Learn about digital media and law student Abbey Geran's experience at Australia’s top-ranked School of Communication.
The School of Communication hosts more than 5,000 students. Of these, more than 10% are international students and 63% are women. QUT’s School of Communication is recognised as the country’s best and the 15th best worldwide.
Beyond these statistics, though, what’s it like to be a student in our School?
What attracted you to QUT and the School of Communication?
One of the best parts about my course is that it incorporates practical work experiences, so I have been able to get on-the-job training in real-world work environments, while also earning credit towards my studies. This has been invaluable in helping me to build my CV while at university, in preparation for when I graduate.
What skills or experiences learnt at QUT will you take with you beyond the university?
Throughout my degree I have had the opportunity to learn about a broad range of media and communication industries, and get a taste for the different paths that I might choose to follow after I graduate. I have studied some units where I have learned how to be a successful verbal, visual, written and cross-cultural communicator, and others where I have delved into the skills required in journalism and the marketing, digital media, advertising and public relations industries.
What advice do you have for students who want to study here?
Don’t be afraid to say ‘yes’ to opportunities that might seem daunting or out of your comfort zone. Through one of my media and communication units, I was offered the chance to participate in a one-on-one mentoring session with an industry professional. While I was nervous to accept the opportunity at first, looking back, I’m so glad I did. It led to me undertaking an internship with my mentor, followed by some part-time work in her company, and a trip to Outback Queensland to run social media for a 40,000 attendee event. The broader network I have developed as a result of my saying ‘yes’ to that initial coffee catchup is priceless.
What’s something you’ve learnt here that would be difficult to learn on your own or elsewhere?
QUT’s focus on blending practice and theory to create career-ready graduates sets it apart from other courses. Here I have learned practical skills, such as how to write a blog post, or design a web page, and had the benefit of receiving in-depth feedback on this work from my teachers. These types of skills are the ones that, from my internship experiences, employers have called upon me to demonstrate at work. Without having had the time and assistance to refine them at university, I wouldn’t have been so confident using these skills on the job.
What was your motivation in selecting a double-degree program and what has been your experience so far with it?
I was driven to select my double degree in Media and Communication and Law because I thought it was the best way to combine the skills I had when I left high school. I didn’t have to choose between my two areas of interest – my double degree has allowed me to draw upon my writing skills, problem-solving abilities, and innate creativity, and get the ‘best of both worlds’ by studying two courses that I love.
My experience as a double degree student has been overwhelmingly positive. The two faculties that I study in are very different, which has kept me engaged and challenged as I’m always using my brain in different ways and doing new types of work. I have formed relationships with a wider student network, undertaken several different work experiences, and developed a deep knowledge of two distinct industries.
The skills I have learned in my communication degree have complemented my law degree: excellent communication skills are critical to being a great lawyer, and the ability to think and problem-solve systematically is highly-sought after in the media industry. I anticipate that employers will be interested in what I have to offer because my areas of expertise extend beyond a single discipline. This also gives me greater flexibility because I’m not constrained to one particular career path; my media and communication and law qualifications present a wide array of job opportunities.
Learn more about the Bachelor of Communication /Bachelor of Laws (Honours).