We spoke to QUT music graduate and LA based producer, mixer and sound engineer Tristan Hoogland about his passion for music, the creative process, and his advice for forging a successful career in the industry.
Passion for music
I love the rush of delivering a record on a tight deadline, or the constant learning and self-improving aspect of honing your craft every day – it’s a genuinely fun career when it’s firing on all cylinders. Don’t get me wrong, this is a tough industry to work in no matter what level you’re at, being inherently a creative industry, you face a lot of introspective challenges along the way which truly is the hardest part. It takes constant resilience to keep your head up and moving forward. I also enjoy the lifestyle that comes with a career in music – especially here in LA. I have a dog, Olive who I adore and sits with me every day I mix. I get to work with some of the most talented people in the world, and I am sure some of those records will go on to be heralded as classics in the future.
The creative process
I draw my creativity from a few different areas in my life, and interestingly over time it’s pleasantly become more things that are less music centric. In LA I’ve developed an affinity for film photography, and I enjoy shooting when I have the time. I’m the son of a carpenter and I worked for my father in my younger years. It’s a skill that comes in handy and I love woodworking, which sadly I don’t get to do often because I live in an apartment, but on the occasions when I can get on the tools, I enjoy the physicality of it all.
I’m a deep thinker and communicator, which makes it no surprise that I enjoy bypassing surface level interactions and focusing more on ‘real’ topics. I genuinely enjoy hearing about people’s approaches to everyday problems, whether that be a lifestyle routine, relationship dynamic, productivity strategies and more. It’s always a conversation, and I’m subconsciously weighing them against my own internal compass to see if there’s a mismatch or an opportunity for growth. I know this all sounds spiritualistic or abstract, but it makes me feel connected to the world and helps me be my best when I go into the studio. Most would agree - the best sessions you have with artists are often the ones where equal or more time is spent conversing about literally anything but the sessions i.e. “mic set up, sing the part, see you tomorrow”. They incidentally tend to be the most productive sessions, with maximum creative output too.
Forging a career in the music industry
In terms of advice, I’d like to preface with the most common advice given which is make sure you have hobbies, do things outside of your pursuit in music, and have a good work/life balance – I say ignore that advice if it doesn’t work for you, certainly in the beginning. The number of people that would suggest that advice, no matter how well intentioned, is misguided as far as this occupation is concerned. I’ve found what I love and what my brain wants me to do is often the same, so why force another hobby into my life? The overarching theme here is – don’t force things if it doesn’t feel right. That’s not what art and working in art is about. Embrace the feelings as you have them, observe and respond accordingly – trust yourself and what works for you, not someone else. Almost everybody I know who is now working at a high level in music has embraced their passion.
It is important to note that this field is already competitive enough whether you are working for a record label, being a manager, a music producer, mixer, or musician. So to be successful, you need to be giving music 100% of your time at the beginning. There is glory at the end of those earlier chapters though and it becomes something much more wonderful later. Trust me.