Amy is a strong believer that having a support system is essential when embarking on any educational endeavour. As she reflects on her experience at QUT, she highlights the invaluable role played by the QUT community in supporting her throughout her academic journey.

Finding your feet

Throughout the course of my degree, I felt that my understanding and appreciation of fine arts have significantly evolved. I have been exposed to its rich history and vast possibilities, which has shifted my perspective and opened my eyes to the potential of my degree. The support QUT had on offer for me throughout my degree pushed me to become better every day. As an artist, the ability to experiment is paramount to success. It involves pushing through failures, taking lessons from them, and being open to new opportunities. QUT’s facilities, academics and peer support allowed me to do just that.

Academic support

The excellent academic support and dedication to experimentation in visual and digital art drew me to this university. From the top-notch facilities, such as Digifab, to the helpful staff at the equity team and library, QUT truly goes above and beyond to ensure a smooth and successful university experience.

The lecturers and tutors at QUT are experienced artists who generously share their time and knowledge with us students. Their support has been invaluable in my development as an artist, and I cannot stress enough how instrumental they have been in my journey of self-growth and discovery. Overall, QUT's commitment to academic support and experimentation in the arts has exceeded my expectations and I am grateful for the opportunity to study here.

Cultivating a wholesome community

QUT's student community support has been invaluable in my university experience. Through peer connections, I have had opportunities to exhibit my work and form lasting friendships that I know will continue beyond my degree. This sense of support and connection has been so important in helping me maintain a balanced uni life.

In high school, I struggled to find my passion and creative voice. However, my peers in my degree provided me with the freedom to hone in on my interest in visual arts and experiment creatively in whatever ways I desired. This freedom to explore and push boundaries has been transformative for me as an artist, and I owe much of this growth to the supportive community at QUT.

Amy’s dynamic support system

Overall, my experience at QUT has been nothing short of wholesome. The support I received throughout my journey wasn't limited to just academics or fellow students. The QUT Equity team provided me with invaluable assistance, and it greatly reduced the stress I faced as a university student. I feel that the incredibly intertwined community and support systems that I was able to access during my degree made me appreciate my time at uni that much more.


Amy Collins

Amy Collins

Visual arts student

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