Author: Jaime Forson

Filed under: Interaction Design, Student life, Real-world learning

Empowering future designers: Jaime’s journey

As a soon-to-be QUT Bachelor of Interaction Design graduate, Jaime discusses her experiences and the benefits of QUT’s multidisciplinary approach, and the support she received from both her peers and the academic faculty.

Read more of Empowering future designers: Jaime’s journey

Filed under: Interaction Design, Work placements, Student work

Jaime shares her insights into the process behind music production and technology fusion 'Sketch Lab’

After combining her music production skills with innovative technology for her graduate project installation, Interaction Design student Jaime, shares her insights into the thought- behind the creation of her one-of-a-kind installation, Sketch Lab.

Read more of Jaime shares her insights into the process behind music production and technology fusion 'Sketch Lab’

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