Author: QUT Media

16 August, 2024
Filed under:
Optometry, Lifestyle, Research stories
John Lennon, contact lenses and cannabis
A QUT optometry researcher has analysed John Lennon’s little-known, hit-and-miss use of contact lenses in the 1960s and found that the Beatles superstar was probably right when he speculated that his cannabis use helped them stay in.

17 April, 2024
Filed under:
Paramedic Science, Undergraduate, Student life
QUT paramedic students play simulated casualties to help test Army medics
Among simulated casualties covered in blood and screaming in pain were paramedic students from QUT, who volunteered their time and bodies to help train Army medics during a major combat health exercise at the Greenbank training area.
Read more of QUT paramedic students play simulated casualties to help test Army medics