Julianne Wayne, 11 May, 2023
Mature-age student Julianne Wayne wanted to make a change by studying nursing.
My advice to anyone would be that it’s never too late to study, to find that thing you’re passionate about. I graduated high school in 2011 thinking I had to either do university as a new graduate, or miss my chance forever. But I’m here now—a mature age student, a single mother—halfway through a degree for my dream career.
Why did you choose nursing as a mature-age student?
I’ve always enjoyed helping people and during the COVID pandemic I saw the passion and dedication of health care workers. I wanted to be part of that.
Plus, I know a few people who work or have worked as nurses, and they’ve all said what a rewarding career it was. Nurses make up the largest part of the healthcare sector—they’re the ones pushing change. I want to be part of that change.
Why did you choose QUT for nursing?
I’ve actually been to QUT before. Pretty much all my friends did their degrees here and it's such a great place to learn. I really love the mix of practical and theory classes. You’re not just learning the theory behind nursing and nursing skills – you’re also able to practice those skills in clinical practical sessions.
You’re learning your subjects with people who’ve been out on the field; people who have the experience and the knowledge to help you through your degree.
What is it like being back in classes?
On the first day of my Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals class I was worried I would be out of my depth. I hadn’t done anything even remotely close to science in nearly 10 years. But the teaching staff were amazing and with the mix of theory, the workbook, models, and donor cadaver material, it ended up being my favourite class.
How have you managed the costs of studying?
I applied for and was granted an equity scholarship this year. I normally wouldn’t apply, I thought there were others who needed it more, but I was between study and work and was worried I may not be able to afford to go on my practical placement. Now that I have it, I can put most of it away for those two weeks of placement, and it’s just something that’s given me peace of mind.
What support is available for students?
There is so much help available—study groups, HiQ, counselling, the QUT guild. Ask questions, be curious. Everyone here, your tutors, facilitators, lecturers, they’re all here to help you so you can graduate and start your career and find your passion.
Find out more about scholarships and support available to students.