Topic: Student support

14 May, 2024
Filed under: Nursing, Undergraduate, Placements, Student support

Advice for nursing placements

Find out what to expect, ways to prepare, and how to make the most of nursing placements with current student Siobhan Pollard.

Read more of Advice for nursing placements

11 March, 2024
Filed under: Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Undergraduate, International experiences, Student support

Supporting sporting dreams

Clea Hall competes internationally as a sports climber. A QUT-AIS Scholarship is helping her to pursue her studies and her sports passion.

Read more of Supporting sporting dreams

21 November, 2023
Filed under: Pharmacy, Undergraduate, Placements, Student support

Pharmacy placement tips from QUT students

Practical placement is your opportunity to see what it’s like to work as a pharmacist. Here’s some advice from current students and graduates to help you make the most of your experience.

Read more of Pharmacy placement tips from QUT students

19 April, 2023
Filed under: Pharmacy, Undergraduate, Returning to study, Student support

University is for everyone

Pharmacy student Jordan Bucton shares tips and advice for mature-age students.

Read more of University is for everyone

8 February, 2023
Filed under: Psychology and Counselling, Undergraduate, Double degrees, Student support

Making the most of uni

Moving cities, switching courses, and making friends while studying a double degree. Luke Gilbert has achieved a lot.

Read more of Making the most of uni

1 March, 2022
Filed under: Paramedic Science, Undergraduate, Student support

Finding community at uni

Sarah Evans found support for her studies so she can give support when she graduates.

Read more of Finding community at uni

18 January, 2022
Filed under: Psychology and Counselling, Undergraduate, Student support

A different pathway to success

Everyone’s journey to university is different, but support is available to anyone experiencing challenges. Bryce Halloran has found success studying a course that matters to him.

Read more of A different pathway to success

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