Kaine Doblo, 18 October, 2022
Kaine Doblo answers questions about what it's like studying the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science at QUT.
Why choose sport and exercise science?
I've always had a fascination with the human body. My whole life has been centred around sport and exercise—combining both lead me to this.
I didn’t come straight into this course. After school I joined the army reserves and after that I worked in a pharmacy. Working in the pharmacy I really enjoyed the physiology and health aspect of the work.
I was also playing football and tore my ACL. After surgery I worked with a physio and as part of my rehabilitation he put me onto sport and exercise science as a course option. I really liked learning about the body and how it works, and I was like, can I do this as a job? And my physio said ‘absolutely’.
What’s it like returning to uni?
I’ve found it easier coming back to study, there’s definitely a benefit to having some life experience. I’m not old—I’m still in my 20s, but I have a better handle on time management and organising for things like placement and assignments.
I completed my practical experience over the summer holidays. It was a bit of a pain because my friends were going to the beach and I was in the gym, sweating it out on 30’ days. But at the end of it I only have two subjects to complete in my final semester, so that’s made things easier.
What have you enjoyed most about sport and exercise science?
Parts of the course I have particularly enjoyed were the Physiology and Motor Control units. I really enjoy the science side of the degree a lot more, it’s a huge bonus for me that these units tend to take a more hands-on approach to learning. That really helps me grasp important concepts and develops my confidence for when apply these skills in a real-world environment.
My favourite moment in class would have to have been in Sport Physiology where we used specialised equipment such as heat chambers and metabolic carts to measure V02max, as well as other devices to simulate and measure metabolic responses that athletes often endure in real-world environments.
What practical experiences have you had?
I’ve undertaken a variety of practical placements as well as internships while studying at QUT. My most exciting experience was working with the Coorparoo QAFLW AFL team who completes in the highest level of community football in Queensland. I learnt so much about myself, how a semi-professional team works as well as putting my theoretical knowledge into practice. The most exciting aspect of this was interacting with current listed AFLW players, managing player game time, wellbeing as well as employing some injury prevention and strength and conditioning practices.
Are you feeling ready for graduation?
The experiences I have had through QUT have definitely helped prepare me for my career. I’ve gained experience through amazing practical placement opportunities and learnt from teachers that have gone above and beyond to help develop my skills and knowledge. I have been asked to stay on at Coorparoo AFL club to help develop both their men’s and women’s teams for the upcoming season. In addition to this, some past teachers of mine are helping me to gain an international internship in the USA next year.