Kaitlin Loeffler-White, 29 November, 2022 | Group shot: The Honourable Chief Justice Helen Bowskill; Professor Margaret Shiel AO, Vice-Chancellor and President of QUT; Professor Amanda Gudmundsson, Executive Dean of the QUT Faculty of Business & Law; committee members, donors, law firm representatives, staff and Law Founders’ recipients.
QUT Law Founders’ scholarship recipients were given the opportunity to engage with members from the judiciary and legal profession recently during the annual Law Founders’ Scholarship Fund Breakfast.
Chris Fitzpatrick, Chair of BCL (Barristers Chambers Ltd), generously hosted the event, held in the Barristers Chambers Common Room at the Inns of Court last month, and provided the welcome address.
Guests included The Honourable Chief Justice Helen Bowskill; Professor Margaret Shiel AO, Vice-Chancellor and President of QUT; Professor Amanda Gudmundsson, Executive Dean of the QUT Faculty of Business & Law; committee members, donors, law firm representatives, staff and Law Founders’ recipients.
QUT alumnus, The Honourable Chief Justice Helen Bowskill, offered career advice to the next generation of legal professionals, followed by a Q&A session facilitated by Luke Mountford, Chair of QUT Law Founders’ Scholarship Committee and Managing Partner at HopgoodGanim.
2022 recipient Maria Mustafa studying a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) shared her thoughts from the day.
" I hope one day I get the opportunity to help other struggling future law students who are in the same position as I am.
I am very grateful to have been awarded this scholarship. It has provided me with so many opportunities to engage and network with many leading legal professionals through the events held and the mentor program. This has greatly assisted me financially and academically with gaining valuable knowledge and experience. Everyone is so welcoming and kind and have made me feel more confident about my future career and endeavours.
To the generous donors and the amazing panel, thankyou once again.”
Established in 2000, the fund has provided nearly 100 students with financial assistance, one-on-one mentoring and networking support. Many recipients have since established successful professional careers.
If you would like to donate to the QUT Law Founders' Scholarship fund, visit the donation page here. Every donation over $2 is tax deductible and can make a significant difference for QUT Law students in need. To learn more about the QUT Law Founders’ scholarship, visit the website.