On Wednesday 7-9 september 2016, the Insolvency & Restructuring group within QUT's Commercial and Property Law Research Centre will host their first international conference.
While the current focus in much insolvency scholarship or commentary is upon salvaging economic value for large businesses facing financial collapse, the harsh reality is that many more people experience financial stress as over-indebted consumers or 'owners' of micro/small/medium sized enterprises.
The conference will provide a forum for scholars, practitioners and policy-makers to discuss and present on the human experience of bankruptcy.
The conference will explore the following themes:
- Fresh start: rhetoric or reality?
- Policy tensions: fresh start v commercial certainty
- Personal insolvency law reform
- Alternatives to bankruptcy
- Multi-disciplinary insights
- Comparative approaches
- Lenders' perspectives
- Human rights
- The human impact of over-indebtedness.
Keynote speakers:
- Professor Jay L. Westbrook, Benno C. Schmidt Chair of Business Law, The University of Texas at Austin
- Professor Iain Ramsay, Professor of Law, University of Kent
- David Bergman, National Manager of Insolvency and Trustee Services, Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA)
- Fiona Guthrie, Executive Director, Financial Counselling Australia
For more information, visit the Personal Insolvency Conference website or follow the Centre on Twitter for updates.
QUT EventsCommercial and Property Law Research Centre
+61 7 3138 4936