13 March, 2025
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The kids are not alright
How school trauma has created an explosion in homeschooling

14 October, 2024
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Educational impact
Creating a brighter future for all students
Professor Grace Sarra has spent more than 30 years making a difference in Indigenous and low socio-economic education.

17 July, 2024
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'My brain leaves the room': what happens when teachers talk too much
Students in our study reported some of their teachers talk too much. Why is this a problem? What can teachers do instead?
Read more of 'My brain leaves the room': what happens when teachers talk too much

17 May, 2024
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There's $110 million for Indigenous education in the budget: will it work?
There is a strong body of evidence about what works in Indigenous education. But budgets seem to keep ignoring research that says we need to listen to Indigenous people.
Read more of There's $110 million for Indigenous education in the budget: will it work?

6 May, 2024
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Education, Health
What the new Commonwealth Prac Payment means for students
The federal government has announced a Commonwealth Prac Payment to support selected groups of students doing mandatory work placements. Will it do enough to end ‘placement poverty’?
Read more of What the new Commonwealth Prac Payment means for students

16 October, 2023
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School suspensions entrench disadvantage
An alarming number of children are suspended every year, often at young ages, for minor reasons.