Topic: Justice

3 May, 2024
Filed under: Justice

Giving a voice to victims of fraud

The devastating impact of fraud has far-reaching consequences. QUT’s Professor Cassandra Cross has made it her mission to give victims of fraud a voice and advocate for change.

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2 May, 2024
Filed under: Justice

Building better men

QUT researcher Professor Michael Flood has spent decades advocating for gender equality, and engaging men and boys in domestic and sexual violence prevention. He’s put the notion of healthy masculinities on the map, shaping the public agenda in Australia.

Read more of Building better men

5 February, 2024
Filed under: Health, Justice

Some gains but fresh difficulties in combating child sexual abuse

While there are signs that adult perpetration of child sexual abuse is declining, new research shows adolescent perpetration is rising.

Read more of Some gains but fresh difficulties in combating child sexual abuse

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