Topic: Republished from The Conversation

8 January, 2024
Filed under: Health

Why are my muscles sore after exercise?

Research shows lactic acid has nothing to do with it. The truth is far more interesting, but also a bit more complex.

Read more of Why are my muscles sore after exercise?

16 October, 2023
Filed under: Education

School suspensions entrench disadvantage

An alarming number of children are suspended every year, often at young ages, for minor reasons.

Read more of School suspensions entrench disadvantage

28 September, 2023
Filed under: Science, Creative Industries

Will AI kill our creativity?

It could – if we don’t start to value and protect the traits that make us human.

Read more of Will AI kill our creativity?

1 February, 2023
Filed under: Science, Engineering

Our future could be full of undying, self repairing robots

With generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems such as ChatGPT and StableDiffusion being the talk of the town right now, it might feel like we’ve taken a giant leap closer to a sci-fi reality where AIs are physical entities all around us.

Read more of Our future could be full of undying, self repairing robots

1 January, 2022
Filed under: Health

Ventilation reduces the risk of COVID. So why are we still ignoring it?

The best way to reduce the risk of transmission is to reduce the concentration of airborne virus available to be inhaled.

Read more of Ventilation reduces the risk of COVID. So why are we still ignoring it?

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