15th October 2018

Here is a snapshot of QUT in the media for the week from October 8, 2018.

Distinguished Professor James Dale
Trialling Panama disease-resistant Cavendish bananas: Wired UK 

Professor Janet Davies, Professor Kirsten Spann
Asthma, thunderstorm asthma and the Real Health public lecture: ABC Radio Brisbane Evenings (1:31:20)

Dr Grant Hamilton
Using drones fitted with heat sensors to count Brisbane’s koala population: Quest News, 10 News 


Dr Evan Hamman
Application of laws in the sugar cane industry: ABC News Online

Professor David Kavanagh
Research on visualisation to help people lose weight: ABC Radio Brisbane Breakfast (2:37:20), ABC Radio North Queensland Mornings

Dr Sue Keay
Named by Robohub as one of top 25 women of influence in robotics:  Robohub, Campus Morning Mail

Adjunct Associate Professor Rosemary Kennedy
Design of ‘vertical’ childcare centres in tower blocks: Fairfax Media

Associate Professor Mark Lauchs
Need for States to introduce uniform laws to help authorities deal with bikie gangs: The West Australian

Professor Michael Milford
Chinese targets for AI-related industry: 2SER

Associate Professor Gary Mortimer
Coles loyalty program capturing data to customise local stores: New Daily
Business and sales in the wake of the strawberry sabotage: ABC Radio National

Professor Lionel Page, Dr Dipanwita Sarkar, Dr Juliana Silva Goncalves
How your birthday and the age you start school affects your life: ABC News, The Conversation, 2SER, ABC Radio Newcastle Mornings  (50:00), Fairfax Media,  ABC TV News Afternoons, ABC Radio Brisbane Drive (11:11), ABC Radio Brisbane Afternoons (11:20), ABC Radio Adelaide Drive, (33:00),  ABC Radio Adelaide Breakfast, ABC Radio Ballarat Breakfast

Professor Andry Rakotonirainy (CARRS-Q)
Connected and autonomous cars to be evaluated in SEQ: News Corp

Professor Derek Richard
Research into ageing and cancer: News Corp

William Robinson (alumnus)
Biography by Nick Earls commissioned by QUT William Robinson Gallery: Fairfax Media, The Australian

Professor Martin Sillence
Drug shows promise in preventing laminitis in ponies: Vet Practice Magazine

Natalie Weir (alumnus)
Her work as a choreographer and dance study experience at QUT: ABC Radio Brisbane Evenings (1:01:30)



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