12th June 2020

After a decade of delivering outstanding programs, activities and investments for creators, entrepreneurs, and innovators across Australia and globally, Creative Enterprise Australia (CEA) will be winding down its operations in late 2020. This also includes its planned investment activities through the Creative Tech Ventures Fund.

CEA was the first organisation nationally to recognise that the future of the economy would be determined by the strength of the new global currency, creativity, and so, for the last decade, CEA has educated, funded and consulted for students, start-ups, SME’s, corporates, universities and government, each of whom, in some way, is striving to create the future.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the Australian University sector. QUT specifically is planning to integrate and consolidate some of CEA’s core activities within the University, reflecting QUT’s priorities for creativity and entrepreneurship.

The University is committed to ensuring that all CEA’s activities and efforts are directed towards maintaining commitment to these priorities. Key personnel and activities from CEA will continue to play a large role in supporting this agenda within QUT.

We thank all CEA staff and board past and present for their tireless work and outstanding contributions to this pioneering organisation.

Media contact: Rose Trapnell, QUT Media team leader 07 3138 2361 or 0407 585 901, rose.trapnell@qut.edu.au or media@qut.edu.au

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