15th March 2023

A clinical trial to investigate the treatable traits of chronic wet cough in children that could lead to prevention of chronic lung disease has received $2.6 million from the Medical Research Future Fund Clinical Trials Activity Grant.

A research team led by QUT Professor Anne Chang will conduct a multicentre controlled randomised trial to investigate whether nine months’ treatment with azithromycin (an antibiotic for bronchiectasis and pneumonia) reduces recurrent, protracted bacterial bronchitis and future bronchiectasis.

“A chronic wet cough in children is associated with bronchiectasis, recurrent doctor visits and impaired quality-of-life,” said Professor Chang, from the QUT Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI).

“Bronchiectasis is a condition that affects the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs. They become thickened, inflamed and lined with sticky mucus.

From left: Professor Stephanie Yerkovich, Professor Anne Chang, Dr Hannah O'Farrell, Associate Professor Julie Marchant.


“Sufferers have flare-ups which are distressing with coughing and shortness of breath that cause school and work absences.

“Early accurate diagnosis and treatment could lead to decreased cost and much improved quality of life.”

Professor Chang said the primary aim was to see if nine months’ treatment with azithromycin in children with ‘high-risk traits’ reduced the risk of future recurrent, protracted bacterial bronchitis.

“A further aim is to determine if this 9-month treatment could improve lung function, time-to-next-exacerbation, recurrence rate and reduce time off school or work.

The “Preventing bronchiectasis in children: A multicentre randomised controlled trial and cohort study” is funded by a $2,621,218 MRFF Clinical Trials grant.

The investigators on the project are:

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