Research for the real world starts here

Find out how our collaborative approach to research is helping the world to progress.


We tackle some of the biggest questions facing the planet by combining different disciplines and capabilities. Our transdisciplinary research approach is delivering unique solutions.

Real world partnerships

We work closely with partners across all sectors who will apply our research outcomes to create solutions. We're engaging with government and industry, to translate our research to deliver real-world impacts.


We are harnessing our technological strengths across different disciplines to transform research by identifying new opportunities and delivering solutions to real-world problems.

Research by study area

Architecture and built environment

We bring together government, industry and community to create real-world solutions to built environmental problems.

Business and law

Our research brings together world-leading academics with industry leaders, and we help current and future leaders to navigate a fast-emerging new world.

Creative industries, education and social justice

We are a world leader in creativity, teaching, and justice research.


We are ranked as the leading research institution in Australia for both robotics and biomedical technology.


Our research improves patient treatment options and increases the world's knowledge of human health.


Be part of scientific research that has real impact and discover the projects establishing our staff as international research leaders.

Making real progress

18 Mar 2025

Consumers and advertisers embrace tech-led radical reshaping of media

A QUT media scholar says as contemporary media industries have been thoroughly revolutionised by digitisation, our ways of thinking and talking about those industries must be transformed as well.

13 Mar 2025

QUT research highlights the power of co-design in creating inclusive technologies

A series of QUT research studies have shed light on the importance of involving individuals with intellectual disabilities in the development of assistive technologies.

28 Feb 2025

QUT researchers recognised with national awards

Three QUT researchers have been honoured this week with prestigious national awards for their respective research and leadership across Antarctica, air quality and property law.


Our research is focused on progress, pushing the boundaries and developing new ideas through transdisciplinary thinking.

Why choose QUT?

Our facilities

We're committed to providing high quality infrastructure, professional support and facilities for our researchers.

Our facilities

QUT public statement on research assessment

We are committed to supporting high quality and impactful research through responsible research assessment.

Download the QUT public statement on research assessment (PDF file, 86.1 KB)

Contact us

If you want more information about research at QUT, get in touch.