QUT's Centre for Future Enterprise (CFE) leads global research to progress economic and social well-being now and into the future. In an era where market dynamics shift at lightning speed, CFE is the compass that helps organisations chart a course to success amidst tomorrow's opportunities.
Our research brings together world-leading academics with CEOs, founders, policy makers and industry leaders to help current and future leaders transform challenges into stepping stones toward sustainable growth and competitive advantage.
Research Innovation Sprints
Evolving in today’s market is all about embracing change and forging ahead with innovative solutions. For many traditional businesses and government departments, adaptation can be a challenge, often weighed down by bureaucratic processes and entrenched organisational structures. However, a powerful solution is emerging as the go-to strategy for those looking to infuse their operations with a wave of creativity and innovation — CFE’s six-week Research Innovation Sprint.
'Our Research Innovation Sprints bring together researchers, industry partners, end-users and stakeholders to tackle specific problems and develop practical solutions. First, we work side-by-side with the industry partner to define the problem, collecting data to understand user and stakeholder needs. Then we brainstorm and co-design solutions and select the best ones. This is where we tap into our academic research. After this, we create prototypes and test them with end-users. Finally, we provide the solution to the client for implementation. But there’s no "handover" – we literally lock ourselves in the same room with partner organisations during each sprint. We’re down in the trenches, rather than up in the ivory tower.'

Our research
QUT’s Centre for Future Enterprise (CFE) leads global research to progress economic and social wellbeing now and into the future.
Our research brings together world-leading academics with CEOs, founders, policy makers and industry leaders to help current and future leaders navigate a fast-emerging new world and focus on what truly matters for future success.