The Centre for Healthcare Transformation brings together leading clinicians, health economists, statisticians and implementation scientists from a variety of fields, including nursing and other health sciences.

The centre provides an opportunity to strengthen collaborations for improving health outcomes research, thereby strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of health services for the benefit of patients, their carers, the community more broadly, and health service providers.

Mission and priorities

Our vision is to transform healthcare for better lives.

Research impact

Deliver high quality, relevant research which has significant impact on health systems, services and outcomes.

Building expertise

Develop strong and effective working collaborations between our research teams to optimise the depth and breadth of disciplinary expertise within CHT.


Extend national and international partnerships and associations in health systems, services and outcomes research.

Indigenous Australians

Strengthen our Indigenous health research capacity to improve health systems, services and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

What we do

The Centre for Healthcare Transformation is a multidisciplinary health services research centre.

We transform research evidence into practical insights to enable effective change for our health service partners, who seek trusted solutions to complex health system challenges.

We deliver better health practices and systems for better health outcomes, and provide relevant and evidence-informed real-world solutions.

Our research groups

QUT research degree pathways

Unlock your desire to make a difference. Start your research degree now.

Our research programs

Palliative care

Research that contributes to quality palliative and end of life care.

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Cancer care

Designing health care tailored to the unique needs of each person.

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Cardiac health services

Bringing together clinical and health services researchers to address the burden of cardiovascular disease.

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Trauma care

Building new research and clinical capability in trauma systems.

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Respiratory diseases

Researching better ways to care for children with chronic cough.

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Clinical Outcomes, Safety and Implementation

Transforming the patient experience and outcomes of clinical care and health services.

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Research news

19 June

Call to donate microbes that live in and on us: Australian Human Microbiome Biobank

Australia’s first comprehensive human microbiome biobank is calling for volunteers to donate samples to support research into the trillions of microorganisms that make up the human microbiome.

19 June

QUT joins Artificial Heart Frontiers Program

QUT has joined the Artificial Heart Frontiers Program (AHFP), which is a transdisciplinary consortium to develop and commercialise a suite of revolutionary and life-changing implantable cardiac devices.

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