The QUT Digital Media Research Centre is a global leader in digital humanities, and social science research, with a focus on communication, media, and the law. We address local, national, and global challenges at the forefront of digital transformation, and provide an ambitious, stimulating, and supportive research culture for our researchers, students, and partners.

Explore the DMRC

Mission and priorities

In our work as a centre, we aim to undertake high-quality research that generates deep understanding, as well as engaging in direct intervention and external advocacy.

Transforming media industries

We investigate how local and global media industries are adapting to profound changes in how content is made, distributed, consumed and regulated, and what this means for the sustainability of this sector.

Digital publics

Social media present both opportunities and threats to society. We use advanced methods to explore the dynamics of digital publics in Australia and the world, and to promote safe and constructive engagement in digital spaces.

Computational communication and culture

We draw on cutting-edge computer science and critical humanities approaches to understand the social impacts of automation, AI, and human-machine communication.

Creating better digital futures

Working in partnership with industry, government and community organisations, our research helps improve digital access, literacy and safety for all members of our diverse society.

Research training

The DMRC provides a stimulating and supportive research training environment, where research students from around Australia and the world work alongside senior researchers to address emerging challenges and help solve practical problems.

In addition to formal coursework in research methods, our research training activities include:

  • seminars, public lectures, and digital methods workshops
  • masterclasses with visiting scholars
  • exchanges and visiting fellowships
  • an annual summer school attracting PhD students from around the world.


The DMRC provides research services to a range of commercial, government and non-profit organisations.

We actively engage with industry and academic partners in Australia, Europe, Asia, the US, and South America.

We assist our partners to understand emerging digital media technologies, to gain advanced insights through communication data analytics, and to help their communities engage with the social, cultural and economic challenges of digital participation.

The DMRC is a member of the global Network of Centers, a group of academic institutions that conduct interdisciplinary research on the development, social impact, policy implications and legal issues surrounding the internet.

This research supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Our people

We address local, national and global challenges at the forefront of digital transformation, and provide an ambitious, stimulating and supportive research culture for our staff, students, and partners.

Our projects

Our projects are dedicated to creating a creative, inclusive and fair digital media environment.

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Our news

Keep up to date with us and our work on tackling the challenges and benefits of an increasingly digital world.

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Research news

18 March

Consumers and advertisers embrace tech-led radical reshaping of media

A QUT media scholar says as contemporary media industries have been thoroughly revolutionised by digitisation, our ways of thinking and talking about those industries must be transformed as well.

21 February

Tighter regulation of AI required to protect journalism and vulnerable journalists

Formal newsroom policies should be urgently adopted regarding how, when and why generative artificial intelligence is appropriate for journalistic use, says a QUT researcher and co-author of a paper examining the impact of generative AI on visual journalism.

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