'The world is rich in opportunities for people who are curious and committed. New technologies, business models and previously unseen levels of digital literacy in our society mean we have a significant design space, but we are only at the beginning of understanding what is possible.'

The spark
'Once a company asked me how I came up with my ideas and I had no answer. So, I consciously sought to channel my thinking, dedicating my work to reliable systemic ways of generating creative ideas and it is exciting making people see what is possible.'
Research aim
'My research aims to improve the ability to identify compelling innovation using research-informed strategies for corporate innovation ecosystems.'

Real-world implications
'Innovation is critical for the future wellbeing of our society and economy but costs to innovate are high and innovation literacy is low. With the ability to identify, synthesise and assess innovative ideas collectively we will benefit from an earlier and more widespread implementation of innovative ideas.'
The challenge
'Creating future scenarios for enterprises is often confronted with scepticism and overcoming the focus on reductionist approaches that aim for cost effectiveness and efficiency. My research will be successful when organisations, their leaders and staff are truly ambidextrous in their thinking and acting.'

'I teach students in QUT’s MBA and Executive MBA program, and very much enjoy it. The opportunity to teach catalyses further reflections and has helped me to advance many of my areas of research. Currently, I teach Improving business operations and Smart-decision making plus I am involved in the design of a new core unit for our business students called Future Enterprise.'
Key collaborators
'Co-thinking is critical for my work. Interacting with complementary minds and real-world cases allows me to raise questions I would not have been able to come up with on my own.'
- Australia Post
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Conquaestor
- Suncorp
- Woolworths
Key publications
Jan Recker, Michael Rosemann, Peter Green & Marta Indulska 2011, ‘Do ontological deficiencies in modeling grammars matter?’, MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 57–79.
Michael Rosemann & Iris Vessey 2008, ‘Toward improving the relevance of information systems research to practice: The role of applicability checks’, MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 1–22.
Michael Rosemann & Wil van der Aalst 2007, ‘A Configurable Reference Modelling Language’, Information Systems, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 1–23.
Centre for Future Enterprise
Our Centre for Future Enterprise leads global research to progress economic and social well-being now and into the future.