Research team contacts

Principal Researcher:

Dr Natalie Watson-Brown, School of Psychology & Counselling, QUT

Research Centre / Group:


What is the purpose of this research?

This is a large-scale trial to help P1 licensed holders across Australia become better drivers.

Are you looking for people like me?

We are looking for participants aged 18-20 years, who hold a P1 (red P) driver licence, have a smartphone, and live in Qld, NSW, Vic or WA.

What will you ask me to do?

You will be asked to complete an online survey which will take about 10 minutes. You will then receive a link to download a smartphone app. The app will collect safety-specific information on your driving performance. You will then either receive a monthly driving safety score, which is linked to financial compensation, or you will be entered into a weekly draw for a $100 e-gift voucher, over a period of 20 weeks. At the end of the trial, you will complete a 10-minute online survey.

Are there any risks for me in taking part?

Potential risks around this project are primarily around data privacy. As the smartphone app tracks participants’ movements by car, this information might be used to identify participants and uncover sensitive information. To mitigate these risks, any personal information in the data will be replaced by a code such that it is not possible to link data to any individual.

Are there any benefits for me in taking part?

There are no direct benefits to participants. The knowledge generated by this study will increase our understanding of the impact of direct feedback and financial compensation on reducing road crashes.

Will I be compensated for my time?

All participants in this trial will be entered into a weekly draw to win a $100 e-gift voucher. If you are randomly allocated into the group with the driving scores and targets, you will receive financial compensation with a starting amount of $120, with $24 removed each month if you fall short of your target. You will receive the balance of the funds once the trial is complete.

I am interested - what should I do next?

Go to for further information.

QUT Ethics Number: 7478