Research team contacts

Principal Researcher:

Professor Daniel Johnson, School of Computer Science, QUT

Associate Researcher:

Dr Janelle Mackenzie, School of Computer Science, QUT

Dr Madison Klarkowski, School of Computer Science, QUT

Dr Cody Phillips, School of Computer Science, QUT

Research Centre / Group:

Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child, Queensland University of Technology

What is the purpose of this research?

We are seeking to understand children’s bodily and emotional responses to rewards in video games.

Are you looking for people like me?

Your child is invited to participate if they:

  • are aged 7 or 8 years
  • play video games for at least one hour a week.

The parent or guardian must also be willing to bring the child to QUT, Kelvin Grove to participate in a 90-minute lab study.

What will you ask me to do?

In the session children will play a video game while we record several types of data (such as heart rate, eye gaze, voice) that will help us understand their experience. We will also show children footage of them playing the game and ask them questions to help us interpret it.

Are there any risks for me in taking part?

There are some risks associated with participation in this research project including inconvenience related to the time taken to participate and mild discomfort while wearing the sensors or due to being audio or video recorded during the study.

As the activities will be fun, engaging and educative, and as you are participating voluntarily, the researchers think the risk of you or your child feeling inconvenienced is low. If you or your child feel discomfort at any time, you can let the researchers know and they will stop collecting data immediately. Your child can also choose to continue participating with the sensors removed if they wish to. You or your child can also choose to withdraw from the study at any time if you feel uncomfortable.

There is also a small risk associated with the collection of identifiable data (i.e. data where it is possible to identify your child) however all of the data except the video recordings will be fully de-identified so that it cannot be linked to your child.

Are there any benefits for me in taking part?

It is not expected that this research will benefit you or your child directly. However, this research will help us to understand how rewards in video games impact children's bodily and emotional responses. It could be beneficial for children and their parents/caregivers to understand these impacts to understand children's desires and motivations for playing video games, as well as the challenges they face when asked to turn off a video game.

Will I be compensated for my time?

Participants will receive a LEGO kit and parents will receive a $50 gift card at the end of the session.

I am interested - what should I do next?

Participate in the project

For further information contact Dr Janelle Mackenzie via email

QUT Ethics Number: 8058