Research team contacts

Principal Researcher:

Professor Karen Sullivan, School of Psychology & Counselling, QUT

Research Student:

Keeley Lappin, School of Psychology and Counselling, QUT

What is the purpose of this research?

This online survey investigates how sports media commentary effects sport spectator injury identification and attitudes towards injury.

Are you looking for people like me?

We are looking for people who aged 17+ years (if a QUT student). Otherwise you need to be aged 18+ years to participate in this study.

What will you ask me to do?

This  project is an online survey. We will ask you questions about yourself and your views about sport commentary. We will show you a short video from a National Rugby League (NRL) game, either with or without commentary, and we will ask you some questions about the video and commentary. In the video a player is injured. No blood is visible, but you will see an injury.  Given that you will see an injury, please consider if this study is right for you.

Are there any risks for me in taking part?

This study is considered low risk. However, if your participation causes you any discomfort or concern, you can seek support. We will suggest some resources  that you can access for support.

Are there any benefits for me in taking part?

This study will not directly benefit you.  However, this research hopes to positively effect the wider community, particularly those who watch the NRL, and individuals and their families who participate in sport at any age or level.

Will I be compensated for my time?

You may be eligible to receive one entry into a gift voucher prize draw or SONA credit.

I am interested - what should I do next?

You can enter the study or learn more by clicking this link:

QUT Ethics Number: 8510