Transformative research training

QUT's Graduate Research Education and Development offers a transformative new approach to the research training environment by giving you a personalised learning journey throughout your research journey. You’ll be able to choose experiences and opportunities that will strengthen your innovative, industry-relevant, transdisciplinary and professional practices.

You’ll have access to:

  • QUT's innovative digital HDR Skills Assessment tool
  • bespoke online resources for information, education and peer-to-peer discussions
  • face-to-face workshops and events to support candidature requirements and research skills
  • online modules to develop skills in entrepreneurship, commercialisation, leadership, project management and career development via the e-Grad School
  • learning environments to develop skills in transdisciplinary practices and career progression
  • mentoring programs with industry experts and alumni
  • practical placements in industry and end-user environments
  • coursework and training resources to help you build skills in research practices, academic writing, IT literacy and research methodologies
  • modules and training resources for early career alumni.

Our GRE+D framework

We've designed our graduate training program around three central strengths: advance, lead and engage. Find out more about the training courses and workshops you'll be able to do once you've started your research degree with us.


Develop advanced discipline-specific knowledge. Learn how to apply critical and creative thinking. Investigate new practices that will progress inquiry.


Cultivate professional skills. Learn management practices. Build relevant experience that you can transfer to your future career.


Get authentic industry experience. Learn to work with others from different disciplines. Problem solve with an end user innovation focus.

Evaluate your skills

A skills assessment (using our specially designed HDR skills assessment tool) will help you identify gaps in your knowledge and employability. Once you understand the skills you'll need to develop, you can personalise your learning journey with our available workshops and modules.

You'll use your skills assessment throughout your degree as you continue developing your knowledge, making the most of your research experience.

Industry placements

Be ready for life after graduation with real networks and real experience.

Research students

As a research student at QUT, you'll have access to industry engagement opportunities and internships. You'll be able to practice your skills in the real world and build important connections with industry, placing you in a great position to succeed with your future career.

Industry partners

If you're in industry and you'd like to provide an internship to our research students, find out more about what's involved.

How to work with our students

Contact us

Get in touch if you've got questions about our graduate education program.

For enquiries about our Graduate Research Education and Development (GRE+D) program, email

For enquiries about research student internships, email