Study level

  • PhD
  • Master of Philosophy
  • Honours


Faculty of Science

School of Chemistry and Physics

Topic status

We're looking for students to study this topic.


Distinguished Professor Christopher Barner-Kowollik
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President Research
Division / Faculty
Academic Division


Some estimates state that 30% of all manufactured goods will be 3D printed in 2030. A particular type of 3D printing is 3D laser lithography with which micro- and nano-sized structures can be prepared. Such structures find wide ranging applications in meta-materials functioning as invisibility cloaks or scaffolds for single (stem) cell interrogation. Today’s inks for 3D printing, however, only allow one material property to be written with one laser wavelength.

Working in close collaboration with team members of the Soft Matter Materials Team and physicists, this project will develop 3D printing inks that allow different material properties to be written during laser writing, enabling a step change in our ability to micro- and nano-print complex structures. The technology to be developed is inspired by 2D printing inks, where a few basic colours lead to a vast array of printable colours.

Research activities

  • Organic synthesis
  • Macromolecular synthesis
  • Photochemistry
  • Soft matter materials science
  • 3D laser printing
  • Advanced functional materials


3D printing inks allowing multimaterial 3D printing.

Skills and experience

  • Strong interest in soft matter materials science and advanced manufacturing
  • Strong skills in organic synthesis
  • Strong interest in multidisciplinary work between physics, chemistry and biology
  • Willingness to collaborate internationally


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Contact Dr Laura Delafresnaye for more information.