Study level

  • PhD
  • Master of Philosophy


Topic status

We're looking for students to study this topic.

Research centre


Professor Sandeep Reddy
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Health


Access to quality healthcare remains a significant challenge in many parts of the world, often due to geographic and financial barriers. This research explores how artificial intelligence (AI) can address the challenges of geographic and financial barriers in accessing healthcare. The project will focus on developing AI-powered solutions that enhance healthcare delivery, increase patient engagement, and reduce costs

Research activities

  • Needs assessment
    • Conduct a thorough analysis of existing barriers to healthcare access, identifying areas where AI can make a meaningful impact.
  • Solution development
    • Design and develop AI-based systems that address the identified challenges, such as telemedicine platforms, virtual health assistants, or predictive analytics for resource allocation.
  • Evaluation and refinement
    • Test the proposed solutions in real-world settings, collecting data on their effectiveness and user acceptance.
  • Dissemination and scale-up
    • Develop strategies for deploying successful AI-based interventions across different healthcare systems and populations.


  • A comprehensive understanding of the barriers to healthcare access and how AI can address them.
  • Novel AI-powered solutions that improve healthcare delivery, patient engagement, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Guidelines for integrating AI into healthcare policies and practices to reduce geographic and financial disparities.

Skills and experience

  • Significant experience in conducting field-based research projects.
  • Expertise in mixed research methods.
  • Optional data science and predictive modelling using Python or R.



Contact the supervisor for more information.