Study level

  • Master of Philosophy
  • Honours
  • Vacation research experience scheme


Topic status

We're looking for students to study this topic.


Dr Anthony Ariyanayagam
Senior Lecturer
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Engineering
Professor Mahen Mahendran
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Engineering


This project aims to investigate the bushfire performance of residential buildings in the bushfire-prone areas of Australia. This includes a detailed review of:

  • bushfire characteristics
  • radiant and convective heat rates
  • type of materials used to construct bushfire safe houses
  • structural and fire performance of external wall and roof panels
  • structural and architectural building design requirements

This comprehensive review will contribute towards developing conceptual models and design methods for external wall and roof systems for residential buildings in bushfire zones.

Research activities

During the project, you'll:

  • review the existing building design methods and practice of building a house in bushfire-prone areas
  • improve the fundamental understanding of the structural and thermal performance of external building envelope
  • develop design methods highlighting the design parameters to develop bushfire-safe buildings.


A comprehensive review that will contribute towards developing new external building envelope for bushfire resistance.



Contact the supervisors for more information.