
- Position
- Associate Professor in Applied and Computational Mathematics
- Division / Faculty
- Faculty of Science

- Position
- Head of School
- Division / Faculty
- Faculty of Science
Classical fracture mechanics accurately predicts the failure strength of samples with sharp flaws such as pre-existing cracks. However, to predict the failure of porous materials we need to develop an understanding of how stresses are concentrated around smooth flaws in the material such as rounded pores, and how these stress concentrations contribute to failure.
Finite fracture mechanics combines the energy criterion for failure from classical fracture mechanics with a stress criterion from macroscopic failure theory. The coupled criterion has by now been utilised fairly extensively for simple geometries to predict their failure strength, and has been verified experimentally for some simple cases.
In this project we'll start to build our understanding of the competition between strength and toughness in determining the failure of porous materials. Starting from simple geometries with a known crack path (U shaped notches, circle perforated plates, etc), we aim to develop computational tools capable of implementing finite fracture mechanics for more complex geometries, working towards determining the failure strength of porous materials.
This project will use computational methods and will leverage existing or new experimental data where possible.
Research activities
You can expect to:
- read monographs and recent publications to gain an understanding of the field
- develop your understanding of solid mechanics and numerical methods
- run finite element solutions using Ansys on our High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster
- communicate your work in written form
- use MATLAB for additional computations and visualisation
- meet regularly with your supervisor(s) to discuss ideas and research direction, as well as to receive feedback.
The specific project aims and outcomes can be tailored to your study level whether you are an undergraduate (VRES), Honours, Masters or PhD student.
Overall, we aim to improve our understanding of the combined finite fracture mechanics failure criterion and develop computational methods to determine how stress concentrators affect the failure load of structures and porous materials.
Any novel techniques or results developed during your project will be published in peer-reviewed international journals. This outcome is particularly important for Masters or PhD students.
Skills and experience
To be considered for this project, you'll need an interest in solid mechanics and computational methods. Some prior experience with MATLAB and/or other programming languages would also be beneficial.
You may be eligible to apply for a research scholarship.
Explore our research scholarships
Contact the supervisor for more information.