Study level

  • PhD
  • Master of Philosophy


Faculty of Business and Law

School of Accountancy

Topic status

We're looking for students to study this topic.


Professor Peter Green
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Business & Law
Associate Professor Tyge Kummer
Associate Professor
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Business & Law


In today's highly dynamic, opportunity-rich markets, the rapid manifestation of trust has become a major challenge for both established and new organisations that attempt to introduce new products and services. Previous research focused mainly on the long-term development of trust (e.g., concerning brand reputation), and the nature (and factors) of immediate trust decisions remain under-researched.

Research activities

A variety of research methods could be applied to address the research topic. This includes qualitative approaches such as interviews with practitioners as well as quantitative activities such as experiments.


The project explores the mechanisms that lead to the rapid and proactive manifestation of trust between organisations and stakeholders and determines measures for those factors and the resulting trust. Furthermore, the project focusses on the design and evaluation of information systems that capture and report agile trust measures in dashboards.


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