Study level

  • Honours
  • Vacation research experience scheme


Faculty of Science

School of Computer Science

Topic status

We're looking for students to study this topic.

Research centre


Dr Gowri Ramachandran
Senior Lecturer in Information Systems
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Science


In today's digital landscape, applications are increasingly being deployed on cloud platforms, offering benefits such as streamlined management and cost-effectiveness. However, even with the efforts of cloud providers to deliver reliable services, the risk of runtime failures and faults still exists. This project aims to address this challenge by exploring innovative approaches to detect and mitigate errors that occur during the operation of cloud-based applications. By proactively identifying and resolving runtime issues, we can enhance the overall performance, reliability, and security of these applications, ultimately providing a more seamless experience for users and minimizing potential disruptions.

Research activities

The project mainly involves the testing of an in-house fault analysis tool, FUSE, and developing extensions to the tool to safeguard cloud applications. There are many research possibilities within this topic. A topic will be finalised based on the interests and experience of the candidate.


We intend to publish a research article to communicate the outcomes of this project. By participating in this project, candidates can gain practical experience in cloud computing and Linux operating systems, which will equip them for future roles as software or security engineers. This opportunity will allow candidates to apply their knowledge in a real-world context and enhance their skillset in preparation for their professional career.



Contact the supervisor for more information.