Study level

  • PhD
  • Master of Philosophy


Faculty of Business and Law

School of Law

Topic status

We're looking for students to study this topic.


Professor Dan Hunter
Division / Faculty


The Digital Social Contract research program within the Digital Media Research Centre aims to create a more just and fair information society that promotes human flourishing. We examine future models of governance and recommend pragmatic policy changes that can improve regulatory regimes in the near term.

Our research focuses on:

  • promoting good governance and the protection of human rights in the regulation of digital technologies
  • improving access to knowledge and culture
  • data civics (the management of data and analytics to enhance the common good).

We work closely with policy-makers, regulators, industry, and civil society to undertake and disseminate our research in a way that can improve governance practices in the management of behaviour, knowledge, cultural works, data, analytics, and automation.

Skills and experience

You must have completed either a:

  • first-class honours degree
  • research Masters degree
  • coursework Masters degree with a significant research component from a recognised institution and in a relevant discipline (e.g. law, criminology, legal theory, applied ethics, public policy).



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