Study level

  • PhD
  • Master of Philosophy
  • Honours
  • Vacation research experience scheme


Faculty of Business and Law

School of Law

Topic status

We're looking for students to study this topic.


Professor Matthew Rimmer
Professor, Intellectual Property and Innovation
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Business & Law


As a prime advocate for plain packaging of tobacco products, Professor Matthew Rimmer is engaged in research and public policy work on tobacco control. He is interested in supervising research students working within the field of tobacco control - including in respect of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control; trade and investment disputes over tobacco control; the plain packaging of tobacco products; restrictions on tobacco advertising, sponsorship, and promotions; generational limitations on smoking; spatial restrictions on smoking; and civil and criminal liability  for tobacco companies. He is keen on supervising students working on tobacco endgame policies - particularly looking at New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Finland. He is also available supervising students on the regulation of e-cigarettes and vaping, and litigation in respect of such emerging tobacco products.

Skills and experience

Research students would benefit from expertise in fields such as:

  • health law
  • intellectual property
  • trade and investment law
  • tort law
  • criminal law.


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