Study level

  • PhD


Topic status

We're looking for students to study this topic.

Research centre


Distinguished Emeritus Professor Peter Corke
Adjunct Professor
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Engineering


Robot manipulator arms are increasingly used for logistics applications.  These typically require robots to run at the limits of their performance: motor torque and motor velocity.  Added challenges include significant payloads (if we are schlepping heavy parcels) with apriori unknown mass, the possibility of boxes detaching from the gripper under high acceleration, and fixed obstacles in the workspace.  How can we determine the limits to performance, quickly identify the payload mass, then plan the fastest path to get from A to B.

Skills and experience

Seeking candidates with some or all of the following experience:

  • robot arm kinematics and dynamics
  • control theory
  • system identification and modelling
  • simulation
  • coding.


Contact the supervisor for more information.