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Found 207 matching student topics

Displaying 181–192 of 207 results

Sustainable energy transition with system dynamics

The challenge to keep global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels has become even greater due to a continued increase in greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC, 2023). One major challenge is the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy to reduce emissions (Gholami et al., 2016). The share of renewable energy in electricity generation has increased to 28.3%, however, an acceleration of the pace of the transition is required to limit global temperature rise (REN21, 2022).New energy policies are needed to …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems

Polymer theranostics for nanomedicine

The personalised treatment of disease though nanomedicine will allow for more effective and safer treatments for patients. Polymer theranostics provide for the simultaneous detection of disease, treatment, and monitoring of therapeutic response. Our research group synthesises new polymeric materials and investigates how they can be used in applications such as:potent antivirals to fight future pandemicsthe effect of radiation on materials for improved radiotherapy for cancerresponsive imaging agents that can report on metabolic processes of diseasecharacterizing the interaction of polymeric materials …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Chemistry and Physics
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science

Characterisation of anthocyanin-biofortified Cavendish bananas

Anthocyanins are a class of water-soluble flavonoids responsible for the vibrant red, purple, and blue colours found in many fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Due to their colours and antioxidant properties, they offer several benefits to plants such as attracting pollinators, protecting against abiotic stress such as UV radiation and against biotic stresses such as pests and diseases. Consuming anthocyanin-rich crops, such as berries, grapes, and purple vegetables, is associated with various health benefits, including reduced risk of chronic diseases. These …

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Biology and Environmental Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy

Evidence-Based Teaching in Economics and Business

Evidence-based teaching (EBT) refers to “the conscientious, explicit, and judicious integration of best available research on teaching technique and expertise within the context of student, teacher, department, college, university, and community characteristics” (Groccia & Buskist 2011). In practice, EBT involves educational practices derived from empirical data that show a well-established association with improved course grade, student feedback, and course-driven learning goals. Literature on EBT is growing but there is little on the impact of EBTs on students, academics as well …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Economics and Finance

Automation/RPA in Healthcare

Investigate the potential applications of RPA/ Process Automation in the healthcare sector. Explore how RPA/Process Automation can streamline administrative tasks, improve patient data management, enhance healthcare delivery processes, and support clinical decision-making. Address the challenges and opportunities of implementing RPA in highly regulated environments like healthcare.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems

Ethical and Legal Implications of RPA and Enterprise Automation

Examine the ethical and legal implications of RPA/Enterprise Automation adoption in organisations. Research can focus on addressing issues such as data privacy, transparency, accountability, and the impact of RPA/Automation on human employment, culture, and structure.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)

Centre for Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology

Human-Robot Collaboration

Study the dynamics and challenges of human-robot collaboration in the context of RPA and Business Process Automation. Explore ways to design collaborative interfaces, communication protocols, and decision-making frameworks that enable seamless interactions between human workers and automation robots (RPA), leading to efficient and effective task completion.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)

Centre for Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology

The Impact of AI on Leadership Roles and Structures

Examine how the introduction of AI technologies reshapes traditional leadership roles and organisational structures. Investigate the evolving nature of leadership in decentralised, AI-driven decision-making processes and explore how leaders can effectively adapt to new leadership paradigms.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)

Centre for Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology

Understanding local government artificial intelligence policy landscape

Artificial intelligence (AI) is driving transformation across all areas of society today. An umbrella term encompassing a range of technologies both sophisticated and simple that are used to make predictions, inferences, recommendations, or decisions with data. AI is used in many products and services that people use, interact with, or are impacted by every day. It already in place of local government and assisting government officials in providing services effectively and conduct their activities more efficiently to the public. The …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Architecture and Built Environment

Investigating the application of sustainable AI practices in construction

The construction industry plays a vital role in the global economy and there is a growing interest in utilising artificial intelligence (AI) to improve its productivity and efficiency. Despite the industry's significant contribution to the economy, it has faced challenges such as large cost overruns, extended schedules, and quality concerns. Nevertheless, AI is making significant strides to remove these issues by revolutionising various aspects of the construction industry. This is evident from enhancing project planning and design to improving construction …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Architecture and Built Environment

Investigating smart campus development trends in Australian universities

Smart campus is an emerging concept following the smart city research movement and is predominantly argued to be a miniature replica of the smart city providing an ideal prototype for university campus development. The smart campus concept has attracted much attention, predominantly due to the rise in artificial intelligence, internet-of-things, cloud computing and big data applications in advancing university campus operation efficiency. In recent years, Australian universities started to invest in smart campus technologies and development opportunities.ReferenceA brief background on …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Architecture and Built Environment

Weakly nonlinear water waves in the complex plane

Weakly nonlinear waves are described by dispersive pdes, such as the famous Korteweg–De Vries (KdV) equation. These models have applications to a variety of phenomena in physics, including the propagation of water waves, but they are also interesting from a mathematical perspective because they can have special properties.While the KdV equation and its variants are well-studied in the literature, a new approach is to attempt to learn about wave propagation by investigating solution behaviour in complex plane. For example, there …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences

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