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Found 113 matching student topics

Displaying 37–48 of 113 results

Modelling the response of expansive soil under wetting and drying

Expansive soils are those which can experience significant volume change when water content varies and as of this reason they are considered as problematic soils in geotechnical engineering. Expansive soils are widely distributed globally and cover a significant percentage of world land surface, especially in arid and semi-arid area.In Australia, expansive soil covers around 20% of surface soils and approximately 30% of the total ‘built-up’ land area is covered by expansive soils. This figure is expected to increase, as the …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science

Structural application of green concrete

The need for sustainable construction has prompted researching alternative concrete technologies around the world. In QUT, a project has been developed to investigate structural applications of environmentally friendly (Green) concrete.Project activities can be undertaken by students at various levels, including VRES, final-year undergraduates, and PhD researchers.

Study level
PhD, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science
Centre for the Environment

Machine learning for understanding and predicting behaviour

Understanding behaviour and predicting events is a core machine learning task, and has many applications in areas including computer vision (to detect or prediction actions in video) and signal processing (to detect events in medical signals).While a large body of research exists exploring these tasks, a number of common challenges persist including:capturing variations in how behaviours or events appear across different subjects, such that predictions can be accurately made for previously unseen subjectsmodelling and incorporating long-term relationships, such as previously …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics

Development composite electrode for next generation Li-ion batteries

Australia is rich in lithium battery materials and is poised to be the world leader in sustainable energy storage. The rapid growth in the automobile and energy sector created greater demand for high-performance Li-ion batteries with high energy density. Conventional Li-ion batteries utilise a graphite anode with a limited theoretical capacity. Therefore, we need to develop alternative electrode materials with high energy density and a longer lifespan.Silicon (Si) has received attention owing to its high specific capacity at ambient temperature. …

Study level
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science

Bio-inspired design to create strong and toughness composites

A fundamental challenge to materials design for mechanical capability is to attain both strength and toughness at the same time in one body. Conventional metallic materials generally have relatively large plasticity due to having massive population of microstructural defects and effective plastic deformation mechanism, which have long been exploited for fabricating flaw tolerant (toughness) materials for structural applications. By the same token theseStructural defects render the materials relatively low strength, thus low load-bearing capability. In contrast, ceramics and intermetallic compounds …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science

Image-based assessment of atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability: Towards a computational tool for early detection and prediction

Plaque characteristics and local haemodynamic/mechanical forces keep changing during plaque progression and rupture.Quantifying these changes and discovering the progression-stress correlation can improve our understanding of plaque progression/rupture. This will lead to a quantitative assessment tool for early detection of vulnerable plaques and prediction of possible ruptures.Our research project aims to combine medical imaging, computational modelling, phantom experiments and pathological analysis to investigate plaque progression and vulnerability to rupture in both animal models and patients with carotid stenosis.We will identify and …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

Designing future magnetic materials

Low-dimensional and atomically-thin magnets host a myriad of exotic magnetic states. As such, they are excellent candidates for memory and logic devices in future technologies.However, the atomic structures needed to realise these states are still not well understood.For this reason, theoretical investigations of the electronic and magnetic properties of these materials are crucial to engineer functional magnetic materials in the future.

Study level
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering

Develop point-of-care microfluidic technologies for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Excessive clotting (thrombosis) leads to the cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke, killing one Australian every 12 minutes. It has long been recognized that platelets play a central role in thrombosis and are unique in their ability to form stable adhesive interactions under conditions of rapid blood flow.We've recently discovered a new ‘biomechanical’ prothrombotic mechanism that highlights the remarkable platelet sensitivity to the shear stress gradients of blood flow disturbance. Importantly, we've found that current anti-thrombotic drugs, such …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

Optical coherence tomography imaging of arterial tissue

The sudden rupture of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques and subsequent thrombosis formations are responsible for most acute vascular syndromes, such as myocardial infarction and stroke. Many victims who are apparently healthy die suddenly with no prior symptoms.Such deaths could be prevented through surgery or alternative medical therapy, if vulnerable plaques were identified earlier in their natural progression.While intravascular methods have been developed to visualize various features of vulnerable plaques, there is no single technique that can accurately predict plaque rupture in …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

Cryptoarchitecture: architecture NFTs (non-fungible tokens)

This project will explore the application of Non fungible tokens NFTs to the architectural discipline specifically. It will do so with both intellectual and entrepreneurial goals.In light of today's highly liquid global financial markets, and the rise of intangible capital as the dominant form of corporate wealth (think Facebook, Google, Bitcoin), the property sector often seems like an anachronism. Land and buildings have historically been identified as the most fixed and tangible forms of capital. They have thus been difficult …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Architecture and Built Environment

Engineering response to climate emergency with zero carbon footprint for building construction by 2030 using circular economy principles

We as engineers can make a contribution to address the current climate emergency.The Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council report (2016) found that if Australia's built environment sector reaches zero carbon emissions for the operation of residential and commercial buildings by 2050, it could contribute 28% to the country's 2030 emissions reduction target and save up to AU$20 billion.In this project we will consider the application of the circular economy, which is based on the principles of designing out waste and …

Study level
PhD, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science
Centre for a Waste-Free World

Tree-chain: a fast lightweight consensus algorithm for IoT applications

In recent years, blockchain adaptation in IoT has received tremendous attention due to its salient features including distributed management, security, anonymity, and auditability. However, conventional blockchains are significantly resource demanding and suffer from lack of throughput, delay in committing transactions, and low efficiency. We recently introduced a novel blockchain consensus algorithm known as Tree-chain, that bases the validator selection on an existing feature in all blockchains: hash function. Tree-chain achieves a fast throughput while ensuring the randomness and unpredictability of …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Computer Science

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