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Found 502 matching student topics

Displaying 25–36 of 502 results

Artificial intelligence (AI) to balance fluctuations of intermittent renewable energy sources

Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a significant role in analyzing and predicting energy consumption and production patterns from renewable sources such as solar and wind (Lyu & Liu 2021). This is particularly important due to the key challenge of intermittency, where major renewable sources for electricity, such as solar and wind, are subject to the inconsistencies of the weather (Watson et al., 2022).In this project, we investigate how AI and machine learning algorithms can optimize smart grids and other components …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Development of a machine learning algorithm for high throughput cell response data in drug therapy

High-throughput screening assays are essential for accelerating drug discovery, but current assays often rely on endpoint measurements that do not capture the dynamic response of cells to drug treatment. Machine learning algorithms (MLAs) have the potential to enable real-time, high-throughput monitoring of cell response to drug treatment by analyzing complex datasets generated by multiplexed live-cell assays. This research project aims to develop an MLA for enabling high throughput cell response data in drug treatment. The project will involve three main …

Study level
School of Computer Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

Mathematical modelling of cell-to-cell communication via extracellular vesicles (EVs)

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane bound packages of information constantly being released by all living cells, including bacteria. There are many types and sizes of EVs. Each EV type contains its own distinctive cargo consisting of characteristic DNA, RNA, and proteins. We are just beginning to understand the many roles of EVs to maintain the health of the cell producing the EVs, and to communicate with other cell types that take up the EVs produced by neighbouring cells. Since EVs …

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences

Bushfire design of residential buildings

This project aims to investigate the bushfire performance of residential buildings in the bushfire-prone areas of Australia. This includes a detailed review of:bushfire characteristicsradiant and convective heat ratestype of materials used to construct bushfire safe housesstructural and fire performance of external wall and roof panelsstructural and architectural building design requirementsThis comprehensive review will contribute towards developing conceptual models and design methods for external wall and roof systems for residential buildings in bushfire zones.

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science

Curvature dependence of reaction-diffusion wave front speed with nonlinear diffusion.

Reaction-diffusion waves describe the progression in space of wildfires, species invasions, epidemic spread, and biological tissue growth. When diffusion is linear, these waves are known to advance at a rate that strongly depends on the curvature of the wave fronts. How nonlinear diffusion affects the curvature dependence of the progression rate of these wavefronts remains unknown.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

Making the most of many models

In the age of Big Data, machine learning methods, and modern statistics the adage "all models are wrong but some are useful" has never been so true. This project will investigate data science approaches where more than one model makes sense for the data. Is it better to choose a single model or is there something to be gained from multiple models?This project will look at variable selection methods, penalised regression, Bayesian model averaging and conformal prediction. The research has …

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Parameter identifiability for stochastic processes in biological systems

Stochastic models are used in biology to account for inherent randomness in many cellular processes, for example gene regulatory networks. Noise is often thought to obscure information, however, there is an increasing understanding that some randomness contains vitally important information about underlying biological processes.When applying these models to interpret and learn from data, unknown parameters in the model need to be estimated. However, not all data will contribute to a given estimation task regardless of the data quantity and quality. …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Develop microfluidic technologies for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

The sudden rupture of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques and subsequent thrombosis formations are responsible for most acute vascular syndromes, such as myocardial infarction and stroke. Many victims who are apparently healthy die suddenly with no prior symptoms. Such deaths could be prevented through surgery or alternative medical therapy, if vulnerable plaques were identified earlier in their natural progression.To address this pressing need, we're developing simple-to-use, high-throughput and highly-informative microfluidic biochips to understand the sequences of molecular events underlying biomechanical thrombosis (mechanobiology). …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

Understanding and designing for digital self-care

The aim of this project is to better understand self-care practices with digital technologies amongst young adults and to explore opportunities for digital technology design.Self-care is a process of purposeful engagement in practices that promote holistic health and well-being of the self. Holistic health implies overall health and this encompasses more than just physical health but also includes mental, emotional and even spiritual health of a person. For some people, cooking can be a form of self-care to eat healthily …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science

Genetics of cardiovascular disease

This research project involves investigating the genetic basis of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The project will focus on the genetically unique population of Norfolk Island. The Norfolk Island Health Study has been running for 20 yrs. Over this time the cardiovascular health of the Islanders has been tracked via the collection of relevant clinical data. In addition whole genome sequence data from the study group has been collected, which will facilitate the discovery of genetic variants that influence CVD phenotypes - …

Study level
Faculty of Health
School of Biomedical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Genomics and Personalised Health

The failure of the market for fashion

The market for fashion, clothing and textiles has failed, causing an externality characterised by overconsumption, oversupply and resulting largely in textile waste. Legislative change at a geopolitical level seeks to address these issues, however, there are numerous actors involved with diverse interests.

Study level
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Design
Research centre(s)

Design Lab

Design, derivation, and implementation of mesh-free finite volume solvers based on 3D unit cell morphology to estimate biomass particle effective parameters

The aim of this PhD project is to use lignocellulosic morphological features extracted from high resolution micro-CT images of biomass particles undergoing a dilute acid pretreatment process to perform computational homogenisation over representative unit cell configurations. Mesh-free finite volume solvers will be developed based on 3D point cloud data sets to estimate virtual biomass particle effective parameters, such as diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and permeability. The simulation results will be analysed to provide a fundamental understanding of the impact that changes …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences

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