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Found 502 matching student topics

Displaying 37–48 of 502 results

Scheduling of vessel movements in channel constrained ports

International trade is heavily reliant on maritime transportation which constitutes 80% of total volume. Ports have a significant impact on the efficiency of maritime transportation, with significant delays to vessels observed in accessing or departing ports. These delays can be a result of constraints on wharf capacity, channel capacity, access to tugs and pilots, or a combination of these factors. This project will focus on the development of novel operations research techniques to optimise the efficiency of scheduling vessel movements …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Topics in computational Bayesian statistics

Bayesian statistics provide a framework for a statistical inference for quantifying the uncertainty of unknowns based on information pre and post data collection.This information is captured in the posterior distribution, which is a probability distribution over the space of unknowns given the observed data.The ability to make inferences based on the posterior essentially amounts to efficiently simulating from the posterior distribution, which can generally not be done perfectly in practice.This task of sampling may be challenging for various reasons:The posterior …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Engineering response to climate emergency with zero carbon footprint for building construction by 2030 using circular economy principles

We as engineers can make a contribution to address the current climate emergency.The Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council report (2016) found that if Australia's built environment sector reaches zero carbon emissions for the operation of residential and commercial buildings by 2050, it could contribute 28% to the country's 2030 emissions reduction target and save up to AU$20 billion.In this project we will consider the application of the circular economy, which is based on the principles of designing out waste and …

Study level
PhD, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science
Centre for a Waste-Free World

Optical coherence tomography imaging of arterial tissue

The sudden rupture of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques and subsequent thrombosis formations are responsible for most acute vascular syndromes, such as myocardial infarction and stroke. Many victims who are apparently healthy die suddenly with no prior symptoms.Such deaths could be prevented through surgery or alternative medical therapy, if vulnerable plaques were identified earlier in their natural progression.While intravascular methods have been developed to visualize various features of vulnerable plaques, there is no single technique that can accurately predict plaque rupture in …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

Develop point-of-care microfluidic technologies for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Excessive clotting (thrombosis) leads to the cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke, killing one Australian every 12 minutes. It has long been recognized that platelets play a central role in thrombosis and are unique in their ability to form stable adhesive interactions under conditions of rapid blood flow.We've recently discovered a new ‘biomechanical’ prothrombotic mechanism that highlights the remarkable platelet sensitivity to the shear stress gradients of blood flow disturbance. Importantly, we've found that current anti-thrombotic drugs, such …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

Image-based assessment of atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability: Towards a computational tool for early detection and prediction

Plaque characteristics and local haemodynamic/mechanical forces keep changing during plaque progression and rupture.Quantifying these changes and discovering the progression-stress correlation can improve our understanding of plaque progression/rupture. This will lead to a quantitative assessment tool for early detection of vulnerable plaques and prediction of possible ruptures.Our research project aims to combine medical imaging, computational modelling, phantom experiments and pathological analysis to investigate plaque progression and vulnerability to rupture in both animal models and patients with carotid stenosis.We will identify and …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

Image-based computational model to predict intracranial aneurysm rupture

Intracranial aneurysms are bulging, weak areas of an artery that supply blood to the brain which are relatively common. While most aneurysms do not show symptoms, 1% spontaneously rupture which can be fatal or it can leave the survivor with permanent disabilities. This catastrophic outcome has motivated surgeons to operate on approximately 30% of aneurysms despite their rate of complications arising and cost of operation.The impact of aneurysm morphology on blood flow shear stress and rupture could educate surgical decision-making …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

Optimal ecosystem management in rapidly changing systems

Delays in acting in collapsing ecosystems can be catastrophic. With every passing year, the chances that the ecosystem has progressed past some point of no return increases. Yet the research and development needed to develop a new technology can take a long time. Balance between these two dynamic processes is needed to determine the optimal length and effort for developing new technologies. This project will develop a method for finding the optimal schedule for developing technological readiness, social acceptability, a …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science
Centre for the Environment

Exact and approximate solutions of diffusion on evolving domains

Classical applications of mathematical analysis involve solving partial differential equation models on fixed domains, e.g. 0 < x < L. Applications in biology, however, involve studying diffusive transport on rapidly evolving domains, e.g. 0 < x < L(t), where L(t) represents the length of the evolving tissue. While many problems have been addressed for the case where L(t) increases, less attention has been paid to cases where we consider diffusion on an oscillating domain.In this project we will construct exact …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences

Polymer particles as precision sensors for molecules

Polymer particles are a billion-dollar industry with a diverse range of applications from biomedical to industrial coatings. As a prime example, point-of-care testing devices rely on polymeric particles with various size and functionality to conveniently allow instantaneous, selective, and precise diagnostics. However, as new applications arise and current applications advance, these demand the preparation of increasingly complex material and particle systems.The Soft Matter Materials Team has developed a simple method to form uniform particles without any additives, initiators or stabilizers. …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Chemistry and Physics
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science

Small business resilience in times of economic uncertainty: Examining retailers and regional businesses

Regional Australia is undergoing significant structural, economic, social, and environmental change which is impacting the viability of small businesses (Regional Australia Institute, 2018). Regional small retail businesses, estimated to contribute $21.9bn to local economies (Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, 2019) are particularly susceptible to economic shocks, have lower survival rates, more volatile revenues and are generally less resilient than larger business (Barraket, Eversole, Luke & Barth, 2019).Disruptive external events such as the acceleration of e-retailing, COVID-19 travel restrictions, …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research

Probing the origins of life on Earth

The history of life on Earth is written in the fossil record. In this project, you will investigate stable isotope evidence for extremely early evolving organisms. Through careful petrography and with the use of isotope ratio mass-spectrometers, you will help unravel the history of microbial metabolisms that powered the ecosystems recorded by 3 billion-year-old microbial fossils.

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

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