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Found 502 matching student topics

Displaying 493–502 of 502 results

The demise of the ethical shopper: shifting non-ethical consumption to ethical behaviour

Brand manufacturers continue to be concerned with consumers' moves toward cheaper, private label grocery products, such as $2 milk. In Australia, and globally, supermarket retailers continue to increase their proportion of private label products. Australia's largest food retailer, Woolworths, in November 2011 reported to shareholders their plans to double the proportion of private label, house brand products to 35% of their range.The purpose of this research would be to identify and explore the extent of ethical and socially responsible (ESR) …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Please select a school

Maxwell's Demon revisited: Molecular simulations as a statistical physics learning tool

In his 1871 'Theory of Heat', James Clerk Maxwell introduced a fictitious being who can violate the second law of thermodynamics by following the trajectory of every molecule within a gas.The being, later dubbed 'Maxwell's Demon' by Lord Kelvin, would operate a small trapdoor in a partitioned container to allow hotter and colder molecules of the gas to pass to opposite sides of the container. The Demon would be able to raise the temperature of the gas in one half …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Chemistry and Physics

Antibiotic-loaded polymer nanoparticulate inhaled formulations against lung infections associated with COPD and CF

Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) are one of the fatal diseases of the lungs that have severe impacts on public health especially the Indigenous people. The currently available antibiotics administered orally for the treatment of LRTIs need high doses with frequent administration and cause dose-related adverse effects.To overcome this problem, we will investigate the development of antibiotic-loaded polymer nanoparticles (NPs) for potential pulmonary delivery from dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations. This study will address the release profile of the antibiotic …

Study level
School of Clinical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science
Centre for Immunology and Infection Control

How does executive compensation influence voluntary turnover?

Corporate remuneration schemes can attract, retain, and motivate executives to exert effort and align their interests with shareholders’ interests. Prior studies find that executives are likely to resign when they are paid less than their peers, leading to a high rate of managerial turnover. However, paying excess compensation reduces firm value and it’s commonly related to firm underperformance. On the other hand, replacing top executives can be extremely costly for firms. Therefore, it’s very important to understand the reasons behind …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Accountancy

Dissecting the molecular and cellular basis of melanoma susceptibility

Several factors strongly influence an individual’s chance of developing melanoma. Paramount amongst these are the number of moles (nevi) present on the skin, cumulative levels of UV exposure and skin pigmentation phenotype. Numerous Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) we have identified gene variants at a number of loci that are strongly associated with cutaneous nevi (mole) counts, UV damage response and accordingly susceptibility of individuals to develop melanoma. Currently the functional impact of genetic variants in the genes IRF4, PLA2G6 …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

Motivation to exercise: how does a virtual cycling stimulus influence performance on a stationary bicycle?

This research project will use Zwift exercise bikes at the QUT Gardens Point Campus to investigate how different sources of visual information influence physiological (e.g., RPE, HR) and psychological variables (e.g., engagement, enjoyment, motivation, immersion). The visual information will be presented on a large screen in front of the rider. The rider will view themselves on a virtual cycling course where inclines and declines will be mapped to the resistance the rider experiences through the pedal cranks. There is a …

Study level
Master of Philosophy
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Investigating immunosuppression downstream of activated FGFR2 in endometrial cancer

FGFR2 encodes two alternatively spliced isoforms that differ in their ligand binding domain and the combination of tissue specific expression of these isoforms and tissue specific expression of the FGF ligands is the foundation of normal paracrine signalling. Isoform switching from FGFR2b (inclusion of exon 8) to FGFR2c (inclusion of exon 9) occurs in tumorigenesis as it establishes an autocrine loop in epithelial cancer cells. Our lab has reported that FGFR2 activation by mutations or isoform switching is associated with …

Study level
Faculty of Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

Estimating the evolutionary history of plasmids and viruses

In the case of cellular life - bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes - determining the 'tree of life' is a comparatively well-studied problem.This vertical evolutionary history can be estimated using concatenated gene phylogenies, where single copy marker genes are concatenated into a single multiple sequence alignment which is then used in a phylogenetic tree reconstruction algorithm.Viral genomes and plasmid sequences, meanwhile, are more challenging to fit into a phylogenetic framework.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Health
School of Biomedical Sciences
Research centre(s)

Centre for Microbiome Research

Climate equity in multi-hazard vulnerability assessments

The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as intense heatwaves, floods, and bushfires, is triggering disruptive disasters that have a significant impact on communities, ecosystems, and economies. While our national climate change adaptation strategy places a paramount focus on enhancing community resilience, it is crucial to recognise that not all communities face climate risks in the same manner. Diverse communities exhibit varying capacities to respond and adapt to distinct climate hazards. This reality underscores the imperative for …

Study level
School of Architecture and Built Environment
Research centre(s)

Centre for the Environment

Investigation of host tissue response to synthetic pelvic meshes in patients with complications

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a prevalent disease affecting 37% of asymptomatic women. Pelvic mesh implantation is a common surgical procedure employed to treat stress urinary incontinence, rectal prolapse and pelvic organ prolapse. However, the use of pelvic meshes can cause complications such as erosion, infection, pain and discomfort, which sometimes require further surgery. In Australia, in November 2017, the TGA banned transvaginal mesh for prolapse. Currently, women with complications from their pelvic mesh may opt to have them surgically …

Study level
Faculty of Health
School of Biomedical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

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