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Found 336 matching student topics

Displaying 25–36 of 336 results

Interactive (and collaborative) robot programming using language (Project 2.5 - Joint CSIRO/ACC)

Programming robots to carry out desired tasks is difficult and time-consuming. This PhD project focuses on collaborative and instructional dialogue agents to help human operators program robot tasks.In this collaborative scenario, a human operator converses with an AI agent to explain the steps that are to be performed, using high-level references and abstractions that make sense to the human, as opposed to simple verbal instructions corresponding to rudimentary robot movements. The AI agent must interpret the high-level instructions and translate …

Study level
School of Design
Research centre(s)

Design Lab

Using systems architecture to model neuropathic pain

Neuropathic pain effects '1 in every 10 adults over the age of 30'. The treatments available for neuropathic pain can at best be described as having 'moderate efficacy'. Due to the nature of neuropathic pain, the ability to scientifically study and understand its fundamental causes has been limited to animal models and trials. There are over 27 animal models for neuropathic pain where pain has been induced by macroscopic and microscopic nerve lesions, chemotherapy, viral infections and diabetes mellitus.Looking at …

Study level
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering

Empowering communities with DataCare: ethical data practices for smart cities

Smart cities hold immense potential for progress, but their success hinges on citizen empowerment and ethical data practices. Our research initiative, DataCare, aims at reshaping the landscape of smart cities by prioritising citizens, communities, and small businesses. This project, developed in collaboration with Brisbane Residents United (BRU), focuses on transforming smart cities from profit-driven entities to community-led developments.BRU is a community association serving as a vital grassroots advocacy and peer support network for suburban and local resident groups across Greater …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
School of Design
Research centre(s)
Digital Media Research Centre
Design Lab

Immersive audio data visualisation for better engagement of residential communities exposed to aircraft noise pollution

This PhD project addresses the significant issue of misleading noise data in the context of residential communities exposed to aircraft noise pollution. Despite efforts by authorities to provide noise exposure forecasts and information based on the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) approach, many communities feel misled by the noise contours presented to them. Experiences from previous major development projects at Australian airports have shown a range of problems with relying solely on the ANEF as a noise information tool as …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
School of Design
Research centre(s)

Design Lab

Extraction and formulation of astaxanthin produced in Phaffia rhodozyma fermentations

Traditionally derived from unsustainable petrochemicals, astaxanthin (AX) can also be sustainably produced by microbial fermentation. The yeast Phaffia rhodozyma naturally produces AX as its main fermentation product through sugar assimilation.In previous studies, we improved the bioprocess to produce (upstream) AX in P. rhodozyma. This project aims to investigate the extraction, recovery, and formulation (downstream) of the AX produced in our improved AX production process.AX is a carotenoid pigment and potent antioxidant naturally occurring in some ocean animals such as salmonids …

Study level
Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Science
School of Biology and Environmental Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy

The dark side of robotic process automation

Pandemics such as COVID 19 have forced organisations to pursue hyper-automation to maintain operational sustainability. Many organisations are keen to adopt Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to dramatically improve operational efficiency. However, evidence to date highlighted various associated challenges associated with adoption of RPA in organisations.Furthermore, recent surveys by consultant organisations found a high RPA project fail rate and their inability to meet the expected return on investment.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)
Centre for Future Enterprise

Growth and characterisation of epitaxial graphene for electronic and sensing applications

The extraordinary properties of graphene, a single sheet of carbon atoms (e.g. monodimensional structure, high conductivity, low-noise characteristics) are expected to be exploited in the next generation of electronic devices and gas sensors. These applications require a perfect control of the growth of graphene layers, and an optimum integration with the processes and materials used in the semiconductor industry.This project aims at studying the growth of graphene obtained by heating crystalline SiC at high temperature in Ar atrmosphere and ultra …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Chemistry and Physics
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science

Why do epithelial cells have antigen processing machinery?

Epithelial Cells (ECs) constitute the border between the host immune system and an environment teeming with inhaled antigens. Work from us and others has highlighted that ECs have the ability to express the antigen processing and presentation machinery, Major Histocompatibility Complex class II (MHC II) that is important in initiating immune responses. MHC II expression and function on mucosal epithelial cells, is not well understood.Whilst MHC II is expressed by ECs, and is altered with inflammation, there is a paucity …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

Critical data studies in news and media

ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADM+S) is calling for expressions of interest for a PhD scholarship opportunity in its news and media focus area.The PhD researcher will be based in QUT's Digital Media Research Centre, and will also collaborate closely with other partner institutions in ADM+S, including our industry partner AlgorithmWatch.

Study level
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Communication
Research centre(s)
Digital Media Research Centre

Paediatric intensive care survivorship

One in 500 children require admission to paediatric intensive care (PICU) for acute life-threatening illness or injury during their childhood1. There are an estimated 300,000 survivors of paediatric critical illness in Australia. Up to 30% of PICU survivors experience long-term impairments in physical, cognitive, emotional, and social health. This is termed Post Intensive Care Syndrome – Paediatrics, and significantly impacts child development, with a multiplier effect on the family and society. This is believed to be caused, in part, by …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Health
School of Nursing
Research centre(s)
Centre for Healthcare Transformation

Language and Literacy

Potential projects under the topic of Language and Literacy include:Enhancing critical reading beyond the classroom with migrant and refugee-background youthCritical digital literacy and communication - how digital platforms have affected and will continue to affect literacy and communication practices in educationThe affect and affordances of algorithms on online literacy practicesHow can Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teacher aides or support workers assist teachers with Indigenous Language learning in the classroom?

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Epitaxial growth of 2D heterostructures for two dimensional electronics

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Chemistry and Physics
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science

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