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Found 39 matching student topics

Displaying 13–24 of 39 results

Medical litigation, medical law and compensation for medical negligence

Tina Cockburn is interested in supervising PhD students in the area of patient safety law — focusing on medical litigation and compensation for medical negligence, communication of information to patients (including consent and post treatment open disclosure), regulation of health care professionals and the regulation of innovative medical treatment and new technologies.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research


This project is exploring the regulation of greenwashing in Australia, and elsewhere. It is investigating the environmental, sustainability and climate claims made by companies in a variety of industries including energy, vehicles, household products and appliances, food and drink packaging, cosmetics, clothing and footwear. It is exploring the impact of misleading environmental and sustainability claims on consumers. It is compiling a database of disputes and controversies over greenwashing. This project is analysing various modes of regulation of greenwashing. It highlights …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Centre for Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology

Data Management and Privacy Law for Transnational Corporate Entities

Dr Lucy Cradduck is looking for PhD/MPhil candidates wishing to examine cross-jurisdictional data management and privacy concerns for transnational corporations, particularly comparing EU, South East Asian nations and Australia. Candidates with an interest in approaching the topic through empirical approaches involving interviews and stakeholder engagement are particularly encouraged. This topic is led by the QUT School of Law within the Datafication and Automation of Human Life research group.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law

Corporate Law, Innovation and the Rise of Fintech

Dr Anne Matthew is interested in talking to students wishing to undertake research in the areas of corporate law and access to finance. This research will focus on the impact of innovation and entrepreneurship in access to finance, including for example the rise and early experiences of innovators, investors and/or fundraisers with fintech platforms. Projects may take comparative, theoretical and/or empirical approaches. This topic is led by the QUT School of Law within the Consumer Policy and Regulation research group. …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law

Corporate Law, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Dr Anne Matthew is interested in talking to students wishing to undertake research in the areas of corporate law and innovation. This research will focus on the flexibility and agility of corporate law to respond to change in the business environment, and its capacity to support innovation and entrepreneurship. Projects may include a focus on the constraints of the corporate form, access to finance, and/or abuse of limited liability. Projects are likely to involve a comparative approach. This topic is …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law

Insolvency and financial hardship

Dr Catherine Brown is interested in talking to students who wish to undertake research in the areas of corporate and personal insolvency. This includes research into the way technology impacts insolvency law, the intersection between insolvency theory, and other theoretical perspectives and the way that insolvency regulation deals with financial hardship, corporate rescue and the notion of a 'fresh start'. This topic is led by the QUT School of Law within the Consumer Policy and Regulation research group.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law

Legal Approaches to Conservation Conflicts and Land-Use Conflicts

Conservation and land-use conflicts arise when people have different needs and interests concerning a protected area or land space. The management of these types of conflicts often has to broach disciplinary divides to ensure that appropriate consideration is given to the many complex and diverse issues that surround them, such as social justice, food production, biodiversity, the history of a place, and the attitudes and values of local stakeholders. The Law School invites students to express an interest in research …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law

Feminist Approaches to Environmental Governance

Feminist approaches to environmental guidance consider a whole-of-systems approach and acknowledge that the domination of the environment and oppression of women and other groups in society are interlinked. Dr Katie Woolaston and Dr Rowena Maguire are interested in talking to students who are considering using feminist or alternative theories to analyse environmental governance. Particular areas of interest include wildlife and conservation, methods of collaboration, waste management, and the circular economy.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law

International Environmental Law and Politics

Many environmental issues are globally significant problems and countries have to engage and interact with each other to resolve them despite having different domestic priorities. Current challenges around climate, land degradation, biodiversity loss, and plastics are just some of the issues that are influenced by international standards, agreements and institutions.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law

FinTech, RegTech and Blockchain application in Taxation and Financial Regulation

Dr Felicity Dean is looking for PhD/MPhil candidates wishing to examine the emerging possibilities for blockchain application in taxation and financial market regulation. Drawing on existing international and national innovation, candidates will be encouraged to explore concepts of design orientated digital tool and regulation development informed by stakeholder engagement to developing real world solutions in the taxation or financial market regulation. This topic is led by the QUT School of Law within the Datafication and Automation of Human Life research …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law

Changing uses of the built environments: The impacts for property laws

The research will develop from Dr Cradduck's specific interest in the NBN rollout and its impact for users; and Dr Cradduck's research interest in the built environment and individuals' engagement with it. The researcher/s will seek to understand how current working and living practices impact upon our engagements with the internet. These include considering: impacts for working and home life; and/or impacts for uses of commercial and retail spaces; and/or impacts for the future of urban life. All will require …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law

Digitising Legislation

Dr Anna Huggins is looking for PhD/MPhil candidates interested in the emerging computational law project of translating legislation into digital forms. This could involve top down conceptualisation of the translation of legislative provisions or projects examining in detail the digitisation of specific legislation. Candidates with a background in data science, public administration and/or law are encouraged to apply. This topic is led by the QUT School of Law within the Digital Social Contract and Datafication and Automation of Human Life …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law

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