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Found 47 matching student topics

Displaying 1–12 of 47 results

Building explainable and trustworthy intelligent systems

Existing machine learning-based intelligent systems are autonomous and opaque (often considered “black-box” systems), which has led to the lack of trust in AI adoption and, consequently, the gap between machine and human being.In 2018, the European Parliament adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which introduces a right of explanation for all human individuals to obtain “meaningful explanations of the logic involved” when a decision is made by automated systems. To this end, it is a compliance that an intelligent …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Explainable AI-enabled predictive analytics

Modern predictive analytics underpinned by AI-enabled learning (such as machine learning, deep learning) techniques has become a key enabler to the automation of data-driven decision making. In the context of process monitoring and forecast, predictive analytics has been applied to making predictions about the future state of a running process instance - for example, which task will be carried out next, when and who will perform the task, when will an ongoing process instance complete, what will be the outcome …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Representation learning for anti-microbial resistance

This project is about using neural network models help us understand Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR), a phenomenon in which bacteria adapt to reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics, usually through a process known as Lateral or Horizontal Gene Transfer - where genes are included in the organism from other sources.Our focus will be on learning compact vector representations of biological sequences known to be associated with AMR genes. By encoding DNA sequences in this way we can more rapidly identify AMR genes …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Sport AI

Videos of sport activities are widely available at large scales. AI and its sub-fields, especially computer vision and machine learning, have a great potential to analyse, understand and extract useful information from these videos.This project aims at using AI and its subfields in computer vision and machine learning to develop techniques for analysing sport videos to extract intelligence for players and coaches.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics

Making the most of many models

In the age of Big Data, machine learning methods, and modern statistics the adage "all models are wrong but some are useful" has never been so true. This project will investigate data science approaches where more than one model makes sense for the data. Is it better to choose a single model or is there something to be gained from multiple models?This project will look at variable selection methods, penalised regression, Bayesian model averaging and conformal prediction. The research has …

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Automatic Generation of Software Vulnerability Datasets for Machine Learning

In recent years, machine learning has enjoyed profound success in a range of interesting applications such as natural language processing, computer vision and speech recognition. It has been possible mainly due to, in addition to better computing resources, the availability of large amounts of training datasets to these applications. However, in software security research, the lack of large datasets is an open problem that makes it challenging for machine learning to reason about security vulnerabilities found in real-world software. The …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science

Fine-grained software vulnerability detection using deep learning techniques

Software vulnerability is a major threat to the security of software systems. Thus, the successful prediction of security vulnerability is one of the most effective attack mitigation solutions. Existing approaches for software vulnerability detection (SVD) can be classified into static and dynamic methods. Powered by AI capabilities, especially with the advancement of machine learning techniques, current software has been produced with more sophisticated methodologies and components. This has made the automatic vulnerability proneness prediction even more challenging. Recent research efforts …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science

Evaluation of language models and word embedding methods for natural language processing applications

In deep learning models, language models and word embedding methods have become popular to understand the context of text data. There exist many variants of these methods and have different limitations. This project will introduce you to the hot topic of language models and the fields of Natural Language Processing and Text Mining. 

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Information retrieval and coding methods for large scale bioinformatics

Advances in sequencing technologies over the past two decades have led to an explosion in the availability of genomic sequence data and an increasingly urgent need for scalable clustering and search facilities. One approach is to encode sequences as binary vectors in a high-dimensional space, simplifying the comparison and allowing it to be computed very rapidly using bit-level operations.Coupled with these ideas is the need to provide clustering methods and efficient indexing and lookup in response to search queries. One …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Overcoming the challenges of sensitive data via synthetic data generation (case study)

In the 21st Century, there is an abundance of data, often containing insights that could benefit a number of stakeholders. However, despite this opportunity, it is often the case that the data is sensitive and can not be released by organisations or government agencies due to privacy concerns. One possible solution to the above dilemma is to instead carefully construct a 'twin' data set that contains similar information (and ideally, the same insights) as the original data set, but without …

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Multi-modal sentiment analysis

In deep learning models, language models and word embedding methods have become popular to understand the context of text data. Popular language models such as BERT have limitations in terms of the token length. There exist some corpora that have longer text with an average of 1000 tokens. Additionally, these corpora are text-heavy and only include some images.In our prior works, we have developed several multi-modality models on social media datasets.

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Drone and satellite Artificial Intelligence

Satellite and drone/UAV data has a great potential to provide large-scale analytics for many domain applications. However, the wide range of data of diverse nature (e.g., optical vs. SAR, high-resolution vs. wide-coverage, mono- vs. hyper-spectral, 2-D vs. 3-D) also poses significant challenges for analytics.Deep learning holds great promise to deal with these tasks. While the number of research in this area is increasing, there still exists challenges such as co-learning of multimodal data, limited data annotation, and uncertainty in the …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics

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