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Found 5 matching student topics

Displaying 1–5 of 5 results

Every side job starts with an idea: Exploring motivations for the ‘side hustle’

Almost 1 million Australians have lost their jobs and countless micro and small businesses have folded as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time the pandemic has propelled innovation and new venture creation and given rise the ‘side hustle’, taking on an extra job for money. Side-hustles, supplemental income-generating work performed alongside full-time jobs, are increasingly common (Sessions, Nahrgang, Vaulont, Williams & Bartels, 2021).Technology has in part empowered and enabled people to market their skills and products …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

Motivation to exercise: how does a virtual cycling stimulus influence performance on a stationary bicycle?

This research project will use Zwift exercise bikes at the QUT Gardens Point Campus to investigate how different sources of visual information influence physiological (e.g., RPE, HR) and psychological variables (e.g., engagement, enjoyment, motivation, immersion). The visual information will be presented on a large screen in front of the rider. The rider will view themselves on a virtual cycling course where inclines and declines will be mapped to the resistance the rider experiences through the pedal cranks. There is a …

Study level
Master of Philosophy
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Sustainable energy transition with system dynamics

The challenge to keep global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels has become even greater due to a continued increase in greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC, 2023). One major challenge is the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy to reduce emissions (Gholami et al., 2016). The share of renewable energy in electricity generation has increased to 28.3%, however, an acceleration of the pace of the transition is required to limit global temperature rise (REN21, 2022).New energy policies are needed to …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems

Exploring green infrastructure optimisation for climate change adaptation and mitigation

Green infrastructure refers to public and private green spaces in cities that provide water cycle benefits. These green spaces range in the range from single trees on city streets to urban parks, and waterway walkways. Some are natural, such as the remains of native plants, while others are more geometric, for example green roofs and green walls. Green infrastructure can increase the sustainability and vitality of cities through benefits such as greening and cooling, water quality, and managing hotter weather. …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Architecture and Built Environment

Natural disaster (landslide, earthquake) mitigation using remote sensing, geophysics, and site monitoring

Extreme weather events can exacerbate slope and dam stability issues. Risk mitigation, stabilisation works, and engineered solutions to slope or dam failure require detailed site and subsurface characterisation – generally undertaken after a failure, but often resulting in unacceptable delays to remediation, impacting communities, transport, and water resources.This project will develop pre-emptive risk mitigation measures for at-risk sites, utilising remote sensing, geophysical, and monitoring approaches.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

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