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Found 14 matching student topics

Displaying 1–12 of 14 results

The pulse of sustainability: Interventions to sustainably increase legume production and consumption

Legume-supported value chains, from production to consumption, provide benefits to people and nature that include improved ecosystem functions and resource use efficiency, as well as farmed animal and human health provisions. Environmental co-benefits of legumes include reduced nitrate leaching, increased food sources for pollinators, a greater structural diversity of farmland, and improved soil fertility. Despite the potential of legumes to improve the sustainability of cropping systems and enhance human health, the production and consumption of legumes in Australia is low.Multiple …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Biology and Environmental Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy

Community and Public Health Nutrition Workforce

The training of a specialised community and public health nutrition (CPHN) workforce assumes they are optimally placed to address food and nutrition issues at a population and community level. However, concomitant with the rise of diet as the leading risk factor contributing to the burden of disease in Australia, has been a dramatic disinvestment in this workforcePermanent, full time nutritionist positions embedded in communities or population settings are few. If an organisation invests in a nutrition intervention it is increasingly …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Health
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Human-Robot Collaboration

Study the dynamics and challenges of human-robot collaboration in the context of RPA and Business Process Automation. Explore ways to design collaborative interfaces, communication protocols, and decision-making frameworks that enable seamless interactions between human workers and automation robots (RPA), leading to efficient and effective task completion.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)

Centre for Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology

Real-time Business Process Integration in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for Industry 4.0

The vision of Industry 4.0 is to support business capabilities at the edge. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) enables this vision by integrating IoT with Enterprise Systems (ESs). In an IIoT process, sensor applications at the edge require seamless integration with the software services of ESs. This, in turn, facilitates the real-time correlation of sensor events with BPs. However, existing IIoT architectures lack the necessary architectural capabilities to reflect the true essence of Industry 4.0.This research aims to develop …

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems

Business model innovation

Business models are becoming an important focus of innovation activities of practitioners and innovation studies of academics.When organisations want to introduce new products or services or need to transform their existing products or services, a viable business model is a critical requirement for commercial success. For example, many internet services are provided for free and require providers to find alternative sources of revenue, such as advertisements or premium services.In addition, the innovation of the business model itself is often a …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)
Centre for Future Enterprise

The impacts of retailers' collectable free-gifts on children

Have you collected any? From the McDonalds' 1998 Vintage to the Coles 2018 Little Shop and the Woolworth 2019 Lion King Ooshies, retailers have been trying many collectable premium/gift promotions, and most of them are free to get with a certain amount of consumption in the retailer's store.Generally speaking, premium promotion is an important marketing promotion strategy which increases the retailers' revenue and brand reputation (Foubert et al. 2008; Septianto et al. 2020). For example, Wang, Japutra and Molinillo (2020) …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

How to reduce consumer reactance?

Have you experienced a negative feeling when a media platform constantly pushing advertisements to your screen or when a salesman chasing you around to introduce a product? That negative feeling will typically lead to reactance and push you away from these persuasive messages. This research is embedded in the theories of persuasion knowledge and psychological reactance. We will also look into consumer personalities and cognitions. We aim at exploring and testing solutions to reduce consumer reactance.Skills and experience:Research background in …

Study level
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

Every side job starts with an idea: Exploring motivations for the ‘side hustle’

Almost 1 million Australians have lost their jobs and countless micro and small businesses have folded as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time the pandemic has propelled innovation and new venture creation and given rise the ‘side hustle’, taking on an extra job for money. Side-hustles, supplemental income-generating work performed alongside full-time jobs, are increasingly common (Sessions, Nahrgang, Vaulont, Williams & Bartels, 2021).Technology has in part empowered and enabled people to market their skills and products …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

Small business resilience in times of economic uncertainty: Examining retailers and regional businesses

Regional Australia is undergoing significant structural, economic, social, and environmental change which is impacting the viability of small businesses (Regional Australia Institute, 2018). Regional small retail businesses, estimated to contribute $21.9bn to local economies (Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, 2019) are particularly susceptible to economic shocks, have lower survival rates, more volatile revenues and are generally less resilient than larger business (Barraket, Eversole, Luke & Barth, 2019).Disruptive external events such as the acceleration of e-retailing, COVID-19 travel restrictions, …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research

Digital business models

The ongoing proliferation of a digital lifestyle and the exposure to global innovation raises the expectation level of customers for new products and services. The ongoing technological innovations make this possible, but require digital business models to turn them into viable commercial offerings.This is not only relevant for new (‘born-on-the-web’) companies, but also for traditional companies who run the risk of having their core business disrupted. While some struggle with the new business models (e.g. Kodak), others turn it into …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)
Centre for Future Enterprise

Exploring and supporting the internationalisation of indigenous businesses

Driving growth and employment in the rapidly evolving Indigenous business sector is a key priority of Australia’s national and state governments. An important growth strategy for firms is internationalisation through, for example, exporting, international strategic alliances or even foreign direct investment. Yet we know relatively little about the growth of Indigenous businesses through international business.This project will answer questions including:How do Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses internationalise?Is their approach to international growth like that of other small and medium …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research

International business strategy and entrepreneurship

I’m interested in supervising research students who have a passion for research, ambition to publish in leading journals, and the commitment needed to excel. My interests within International Business are broad, including the strategies of large multinational enterprises as well as small firms as they internationalise; international entrepreneurship in established firms, by new firms or by entrepreneurial teams; power and identity in MNE-subsidiary relations; and how foreign direct investment can help domestic firms’ productivity and innovation. My preference is for …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research

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