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Found 31 matching student topics

Displaying 1–12 of 31 results

SleepBeta: co-designing technology with young adults to promote healthy sleep

The aim of the SleepBeta project is collaborate with young adults to promote healthy sleep. Sleep, together with healthy diet and exercise, is a key pillar for a healthy lifestyle. It is important to feeling well and to performing well at school and in university. However, young adults often have unhealthy sleep habits due to stress caused by exams, leisure activities and work commitments, and digital technologies used at night-time. Over the last few years, we explored different sleep and …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science

Understanding and designing for digital self-care

The aim of this project is to better understand self-care practices with digital technologies amongst young adults and to explore opportunities for digital technology design.Self-care is a process of purposeful engagement in practices that promote holistic health and well-being of the self. Holistic health implies overall health and this encompasses more than just physical health but also includes mental, emotional and even spiritual health of a person. For some people, cooking can be a form of self-care to eat healthily …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science

Cryptoarchitecture: architecture NFTs (non-fungible tokens)

This project will explore the application of Non fungible tokens NFTs to the architectural discipline specifically. It will do so with both intellectual and entrepreneurial goals.In light of today's highly liquid global financial markets, and the rise of intangible capital as the dominant form of corporate wealth (think Facebook, Google, Bitcoin), the property sector often seems like an anachronism. Land and buildings have historically been identified as the most fixed and tangible forms of capital. They have thus been difficult …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Architecture and Built Environment

Leadership and digital transformation

Digital transformation and digitalisation are on top of the CIOs' agenda. However, organisations embarking into these initiatives struggle to understand the nature of leadership capabilities required for effective DT. Furthermore, the complexities associated with pandemics such as Covid19 has forced organisations to change the traditional view of leadership. The uncertainties require well-rounded leaders who can create vision and execute tactically to influence change, develop digital capabilities and foster enterprise agility.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems

Interaction design for enhanced science communication and citizen science

Science communication is typically done by scientists, but interaction designers and artists have the capacity to create for people's engagement. Technology and design for active engagement, such as embodied interaction design, can leverage people's understanding and engage them in more effective and sustainable behaviours. For example, invasive mosquitoes are one area of citizen science that poses significant risk to our environment and health in SEQ yet is little understood by the general population. Mosquito borne disease is a major killer …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Design

Digital inclusion and participation

Working in partnership with industry, government and community organisations, the Digital Inclusion and Participation research program within QUT's Digital Media Research Centre uses innovative digital ethnographic and co-design methods to understand, intervene, and advocate for digital access and literacy as vital elements of social inclusion.We help equip citizens and consumers with the knowledge and skills to confidently, effectively and ethically navigate the increasingly complex digital media environment; and we deliver actionable new knowledge of the structural conditions and circumstances that …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Communication
Research centre(s)
Digital Media Research Centre

Digital publics

Digital and social media platforms provide new opportunities for public communication, and the formation of distinct publics and communities around shared interests and identities. Such publics may engage in political debate, popular media fandom, science communication, vernacular creativity, and other activities; but they may also be affected by, or actively engage in promoting, mis- and disinformation and other problematic content. Their activities are also shaped by the features and affordances of the platforms they use, from Facebook and Twitter to …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Communication
Research centre(s)
Digital Media Research Centre

Access to screen culture in an algorithmic age

During the course of their PhD, the candidate will drive a research project that investigates how the use of algorithms in search and recommendation systems affect the discoverability of content, including:long tail and back catalogue contenton subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) servicesinternet platforms.The project will explore how digital tools can be developed and used to study the impacts of search and recommendation systems, and examine the regulatory options that might be used to address potential problems in the discoverability of culturally or …

Study level
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)
Digital Media Research Centre

Interactive art

This suggested practice-based research project seeks, overall, to ask how interactive art engages audiences, how it is created and, depending on the applicant's interest and expertise, how it might be a collaborative effort between artist and technologist.ituated within the nascent area of interactive art, contributing new understandings and research into the form and design of interactive art works; and new insights into audience experience of interactive art.The project can engage with themes and theories in its exploration of interactive art …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Design
Research centre(s)

Design Lab

Designing interactive art experiences that engage people with the issues around aged care

BackgroundThis PhD, concerned with the creation of interactive art works and funded through an ARC/QUT scholarship, is part of a larger ongoing project: ARC Discovery DP210100589 "Amplifying the Impact of the Royal Commission into Aged Care" (CI's Miller, Holland-Blatt, Thompson Seevinck, Gott.)About the Discovery project (the PhD study context)"The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety is a singular opportunity to reform Australian aged care and redress the marginalisation of aged care residents—a vulnerable demographic whose voices too often …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Design
Research centre(s)

Design Lab

Urban media and digital geographies

We are seeking PhD projects that will contribute to an ongoing, cross-disciplinary research program investigating the critical role played by space, place, and location within digital media and society. Project proposals should be situated within or across communication, digital media, and design and draw on current or emerging critical approaches, such as:digital geographiesurban informaticsplatform urbanismtechnological sovereigntycritical data studies.

Study level
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Communication
Research centre(s)
Digital Media Research Centre

What does the future of fashion look like?

The future of fashion consumption is changing rapidly. A new digital fashion economy is emerging at the intersection of fashion, law and social change.Incumbent fashion houses are now staking their territorial claims in the digital realm.At the same time, traditional markets for fashion have failed, and manufacturing has been largely offshored, while consumers are increasingly more informed about the impact of fashion consumption.

Study level
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Design
Research centre(s)

Design Lab

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