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Found 28 matching student topics

Displaying 25–28 of 28 results

Artificial intelligence (AI) to balance fluctuations of intermittent renewable energy sources

Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a significant role in analyzing and predicting energy consumption and production patterns from renewable sources such as solar and wind (Lyu & Liu 2021). This is particularly important due to the key challenge of intermittency, where major renewable sources for electricity, such as solar and wind, are subject to the inconsistencies of the weather (Watson et al., 2022).In this project, we investigate how AI and machine learning algorithms can optimize smart grids and other components …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Advanced numerical modeling to study dust deposition mechanisms on photovoltaic panels for the agrivoltaic industry.

The increase in global energy demand necessitates further advancement in photovoltaic (PV) systems. Advancements in PVs could potentially play a role to help meet the Paris Agreement of limiting global temperature increase to below 2 degrees Celsius. In conjunction with the rising demand for clean energy production, the global agricultural industry needs to keep pace with rising food demand which is expected to increase by 50% by 2050 to feed over a projected 10 billion people. The scarcity of fertile …

Study level
PhD, Honours
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering

Internet of Mobile Energy

The emergence of the two-way communication model and Distributed Energy Sources (DES) is transforming traditional power systems from largely centralised energy production to more decentralised and connected management systems. This is called the 'smart grid'.As the smart grid evolves, electric vehicles (EVs) are emerging as unconventional and highly-disruptive participants in the grid that can add significant benefit and flexibility. Notably, EVs are equipped with a relatively high capacity battery that stores energy to power the vehicle.EV batteries, coupled with the …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science

Metal polymer batteries and supercapacitors for renewable energy storage

Australia boasts rich wind and solar energy resources. To avoid fluctuations placing severe burden on the power grids, a reliable and efficient battery storage is required.The present technology based on lithium-ion batteries suffers from high manufacturing costs, poor safety and short life-span. Metal-polymer batteries are expected to overcome the storage and the charging speed of the traditional batteries in the near future, opening new avenues for renewable energy resources …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Chemistry and Physics
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science
Centre for Clean Energy Technologies and Practices

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