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Found 43 matching student topics

Displaying 25–36 of 43 results

Climate equity in multi-hazard vulnerability assessments

The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as intense heatwaves, floods, and bushfires, is triggering disruptive disasters that have a significant impact on communities, ecosystems, and economies. While our national climate change adaptation strategy places a paramount focus on enhancing community resilience, it is crucial to recognise that not all communities face climate risks in the same manner. Diverse communities exhibit varying capacities to respond and adapt to distinct climate hazards. This reality underscores the imperative for …

Study level
School of Architecture and Built Environment
Research centre(s)

Centre for the Environment

Blast response and safety assessment of transport tunnels

Transport tunnels are important components of the transport systems in major cities. They can be vulnerable to bomb explosions caused by accidental or deliberate means.This project will evaluate the vulnerability of transport tunnels to credible blast events and the influence of key parameters. We'll then propose measures to mitigate the adverse effects of such explosions to maximise the safety of passengers, infrastructure and transport vehicles.

Study level
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Accountancy

Changing uses of the built environments: The impacts for property laws

The research will develop from Dr Cradduck's specific interest in the NBN rollout and its impact for users; and Dr Cradduck's research interest in the built environment and individuals' engagement with it. The researcher/s will seek to understand how current working and living practices impact upon our engagements with the internet. These include considering: impacts for working and home life; and/or impacts for uses of commercial and retail spaces; and/or impacts for the future of urban life. All will require …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law

Coordinated control of multi-robot systems for environmental management

Single robotic systems can't accurately measure dynamic processes and map large areas in challenging environments. However, managing multiple robotic systems simultaneously poses many challenges around coordination and control. This is particularly true in environments where there's a lack of communication with the system. This project will explore multi-robot swarming and formation control to monitor, manage and track large-scale environmental phenomena.In this project, you will explore multi-robot swarming and coordinated formation control for dynamic process monitoring, target tracking and coordinated mapping. …

Study level
Faculty of Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics
Research centre(s)
Centre for Robotics

The interplay between environmental and genetic risk factors in the etiology of mental health disorders

Mental health disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety, substance use) are the leading cause of global disease burden in the young adult population. Twin and family studies show that both genetic and environmental factors play a large role in the aetiology of these disorders. The Translational Neurogenomics group aims to identify genetic risk factors for a range of mental health and substance use disorders, and investigate the interplay between genetic and environmental risk factors.UK Biobank is a major national and international health …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Health
School of Biomedical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Genomics and Personalised Health

Corporate social and environmental performance information and related accountability practices

Due to stakeholder attention, companies are increasingly disclosing social and environmental performance information within their annual and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports.OutcomesThis study will investigate whether these disclosures reflect real performance, and thereby create accountability practices by corporations. Both Australian and international companies are the focus of this project.The project considers both qualitative and quantitative methods.

Study level
Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Accountancy

Wearable neuro-imaging and spatial experience

Our built environment changes our brain function. There is considerable interest from many research fields upon the positive and negative health and wellbeing effects of our environments. This research area explores how architectural environments and spaces impact experience and mood using wearable brain-imaging technology.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
School of Architecture and Built Environment

Modeling roost selection by flying foxes in Moreton Baty region

Study level
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Accountancy

Using agricultural waste and organic amendments for sustainable agriculture and soil health

Optimising the application rates of organic amendments in agricultural soils is one of the most promising and practical solutions to reduce nitrogen (N) losses into the environment while maintaining an economically-adequate crop production.Organic amendments alone often don't meet the crop's needs. Consequently, a supplementary application of N synthetic fertiliser is needed in conventional farming systems to meet perceived production needs.Accounting for the amount of plant-available N (PAN) released by organic amendments and combining this with N-fertiliser will:ensure N demands of …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Biology and Environmental Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy

Multi-UAV navigation in GPS denied environments

The aim of this research is to develop a framework for multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), that balances information sharing, exploration, localization, mapping, and other planning objectives thus allowing a team of UAVs to navigate in complex environments in time critical situations. This project expects to generate new knowledge in UAV navigation using an innovative approach by combining Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms with Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP) and Deep Reinforcement learning. This should provide significant benefits, …

Study level
Faculty of Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics

UAV navigation in GPS denied environments

This PhD project aims to develop a framework for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), which optimally balances localisation, mapping and other objectives in order to solve sequential decision tasks under map and pose uncertainty. This project expects to generate new knowledge in UAV navigation using an innovative approach by combining simultaneous localisation and mapping algorithms with partially observable markov decision processes. The project’s expected outcomes will enable UAVs to solve multiple objectives under map and pose uncertainty in GPS-denied environments. This …

Study level
Faculty of Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics

How do healthy people sleep? Biomechanics, physiology, and environment - what matters most?

In the Westernized world a person typically spends one third of their life in bed, with more time spent sleeping in a bed than in any other single activity. Sleep amount and quality of sleep have a direct impact on mood, behaviour, motor skills and overall quality of life. Yet, despite how important restful sleep is for the body to maintain good health, there is a comparatively small amount of studies evaluating key multi-factorial and biomechanical determinants of restful sleep …

Study level
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies

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