QUT offers a diverse range of student topics for Honours, Masters and PhD study. Search to find a topic that interests you or propose your own research topic to a prospective QUT supervisor. You may also ask a prospective supervisor to help you identify or refine a research topic.

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Found 65 matching student topics

Displaying 25–36 of 65 results

Hearing colour and seeing sound – switchable optoacoustic imaging agents

Optoacoustic imaging is a relatively new medical imaging technique. It utilises laser light to excite an imaging agent, which in turn converts this light energy into heat. This heat is dissipated as a sound wave, which can be detected with an ultrasound receiver. This technique aims to overcome the minimal penetration depth of fluorescence imaging, and the lack of molecular specificity of ultrasound.In this project we are aiming to develop and synthesize intelligent imaging agents for optoacoustics, which are able …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Chemistry and Physics
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science

Designing for individuals: Leveraging advanced manufacturing for customised products

Today’s advanced manufacturing technologies offer a unique opportunity for moving away from mass production towards mass customisation in consumer products. This presents a prospect for creative practitioners to examine their role and how their expertise align with these technologies, allowing for design innovation to drive mass customisation and establishing industrial designers as a critical stakeholder within this paradigm shift in production.

Study level
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Design

Electrothermal film heaters

Flexible electrothermal heaters have attracted a growing interest because of their broad applications in wearable electronics, including warming garments, and as flexural warmers for medical devices and vehicles. Traditional electrothermal materials such as ferro chromium (FeCr)-based alloys have disadvantages such as heavy weight, rigidity and low heating efficiency. Indium tin oxide (ITO) is widely used in commercial products due to its high transparency and high electrical conductivity. However, the finite reserve of indium has resulted in an increasing price of …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Chemistry and Physics

The efficacy of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training in community sport

Organised sport is primarily community based in Australia; and the benefits of sport participation to individuals and communities are well documented. However, there is also evidence that participating in organised high-performance sporting programs is associated with psychological distress, elevated relative to community norms, which would usually warrant a need for care by a health professional. As such a case for improvement in mental health education and practice in sporting communities exists.Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a standardised, psychoeducational programme …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Health
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Financial security and ageing

Dr Kelly Purser is interested in supervising students who wish to undertake research about estate planning, financial security and ageing. Financial security as people age is something that is determined by the whole of life course, not just what people do as they near retirement. It is therefore important to consider the implications of future planning on the life able to be led 'post-retirement'. This includes not only estate planning tools such as wills and enduring documents, but also financial …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Housing and older people

Associate Professor Tina Cockburn is interested in supervising students who wish to undertake research about housing and older people (including assets for care arrangements, retirement villages and aged care facilities). Safe housing is a human right not enjoyed by all, particularly for older women who may have experienced financial insecurity throughout the life course. This is a significant issue facing modern Australian society, particularly in light of an anticipated economic downturn and increasing unemployment. Please contact the supervisor if you …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Human rights and ageing

Dr Bridget Lewis is interested in supervising students who wish to undertake research about human rights and ageing. There has been increasing focus on the importance of recognising, promoting and protecting the human rights of older people. This has been brought into sharp focus in recent times by, for example, the COVID-19 pandemic. Please contact the supervisor if you are interested in undertaking a PhD in this area. This topic is led by the QUT School of Law within the …

Study level
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Capacity, decision making and ageing

Dr Kelly Purser is interested in supervising students who wish to undertake research about capacity, substitute decision making and ageing, including how and when capacity is determined, and by whom. As people age they may not retain the capacity to be able to make legally recognised decisions giving rise to questions around who can determine what happens when someone can no longer make their own decisions, how and when this should be determined as well as what is the outcome …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Elder financial abuse

Tina Cockburn is interested in supervising students who wish to undertake research about elder financial abuse. Elder financial abuse is a hidden but growing phenomenon within modern society. We are looking for students to undertake research into elder financial abuse, particularly in relation to the obligations of financial institutions and actors in identifying, responding to and preventing elder financial abuse. Please contact the supervisor if you are interested in undertaking a PhD in this area. This topic is led by …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Global Health and the Law

Professor Belinda Bennett is interested in talking to students who wish to undertake research on global health and the law, including the Sustainable Development Goals, legal issues related to global health governance, global public health, and health and human rights.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

The interplay between environmental and genetic risk factors in the etiology of mental health disorders

Mental health disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety, substance use) are the leading cause of global disease burden in the young adult population. Twin and family studies show that both genetic and environmental factors play a large role in the aetiology of these disorders. The Translational Neurogenomics group aims to identify genetic risk factors for a range of mental health and substance use disorders, and investigate the interplay between genetic and environmental risk factors.UK Biobank is a major national and international health …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Health
School of Biomedical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Genomics and Personalised Health

PHSW01 - A systematic review of internet-based interventions for supporting teachers’ mental health and wellbeing

The teaching profession is a rewarding yet intensive occupation, with teachers being at increased risk of mental health disorders. Poor mental health does not only affect the wellbeing of teachers but can also have ramifications on the health and wellbeing of students with whom teachers interact (Harding et al., 2019). Although there is a large body of research that focuses on student mental health and wellbeing, less attention has been given to understanding mental health interventions targeting teachers. Furthermore, despite …

Study level
Faculty of Health
School of Public Health and Social Work

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