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Found 31 matching student topics

Displaying 1–12 of 31 results

The role of genetics in the development and mechanism of human traits

The Statistical and Genomic Epidemiology Laboratory (SGEL) studies the role of genetics in the development and mechanism of human traits, with particular emphasis on migraine, and the specific goal of identifying genetic risk factors and detecting common genetic links with other disorders, in particular depression, endometriosis, and epilepsy.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Health
School of Biomedical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Genomics and Personalised Health

Atomic-scale identification of catalyst active sites using electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy

Catalysts have an important role to play in electrochemical reactions. By reducing the energy required for a reaction, they can save electricity and make feasible the reactions that will enable future sustainable technologies, such as the evolution of hydrogen from water. Optimisation of catalysts requires a detailed mechanistic understanding of their function. A key aspect of this is determining, at the atomic scale, the reactive sites on the catalyst surface. This type of insight can be provided by performing atomic-scale …

Study level
School of Chemistry and Physics
Research centre(s)
Centre for Materials Science

Surprising genomes

Genomic sequencing has changed radically since the first public sequencing projects more than 25 years ago. The original human genome project cost more than two billion dollars; sequencing a human genome now costs as little as a thousand, and we may sequence whole viruses and bacteria as a matter of routine.The challenge now lies in rapidly analysing these genomes as they appear, and understanding quickly whether there is anything interesting in the new sequence to warrant further inquiry. This project …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Visualisation and sonification for genomic data sets

Successive revolutions in sequencing technology over the past two decades have led to an explosion in the availability of genomic data. Analysing biological datasets and identifying relationships within them is challenging - some of the process can be automated but interactive exploration offers a number of advantages, and supports serendipitous discovery.This project looks at visual analytics and sonification - the use of sound and musical encodings - to enhance our understanding of biological networks.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Information retrieval and coding methods for large scale bioinformatics

Advances in sequencing technologies over the past two decades have led to an explosion in the availability of genomic sequence data and an increasingly urgent need for scalable clustering and search facilities. One approach is to encode sequences as binary vectors in a high-dimensional space, simplifying the comparison and allowing it to be computed very rapidly using bit-level operations.Coupled with these ideas is the need to provide clustering methods and efficient indexing and lookup in response to search queries. One …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Genome to phenome: exploiting multi-omics and deep learning strategies to decipher importance of isoforms in health and behaviour

The molecular process that leads to multiple mRNA transcripts being produced from the same segment of DNA (aka gene) is known as alternative splicing (AS). This is a common form of regulation in higher eukaryotes, enabling the production of novel protein isoforms, which in turn are known to have a big impact on phenotype. Understanding the regulatory factors involved in AS, including epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation, will offer key insights into important biological phenomena (health disease, behaviour, production). …

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Biology and Environmental Science

Technology, Innovation and Health

Professor Belinda Bennett is interested in talking to students who wish to undertake research on legal issues related to technology, innovation and health, regulation of innovative health technologies, legal issues related to genomics, the use of artificial intelligence in health care, and the use of robotics in health care.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Novel therapeutic strategies to treat advanced colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is a very common disease, with over 15,000 new cases diagnosed in Australia annually. Metastatic colorectal cancer describes advanced disease that has spread beyond the primary site. This is very aggressive and incurable in the vast majority of these patients. To improve outcomes for colorectal cancer, we are using cutting edge genomic and cell biology techniques to understand disease heterogeneity and optimise drug response. We are developing novel therapeutic interventions based on unique molecular signatures and are testing …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

Value-adding waste materials

Many industries generate copious amounts of waste products.Of particular interest are those wastes generated by the mining sector as typically a large fraction of the ore bodies are dumped or the agricultural sector.Potential solutions we are investigating include:converting aluminosilicate waste to zeolitestransforming inorganic waste to catalyst materialscreation of materials for water and wastewater treatmentmaking activated carbonrenewable fuels,

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering

Small business resilience in times of economic uncertainty: Examining retailers and regional businesses

Regional Australia is undergoing significant structural, economic, social, and environmental change which is impacting the viability of small businesses (Regional Australia Institute, 2018). Regional small retail businesses, estimated to contribute $21.9bn to local economies (Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, 2019) are particularly susceptible to economic shocks, have lower survival rates, more volatile revenues and are generally less resilient than larger business (Barraket, Eversole, Luke & Barth, 2019).Disruptive external events such as the acceleration of e-retailing, COVID-19 travel restrictions, …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research

Economics of sustainability

This project investigates how a society moves to strong sustainability and sustainable development in a more efficient and equitable way. Students can choose the scale unit of analysis, such as regions, countries, states, firms, organisation, households or even individual level. The research is very inspirational. Methodological approach to the research include theoretical and/or empirical elements.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Economics and Finance

Uncovering the dark transcriptome and proteome with long-read sequencing

Parts of the transcriptome and proteome are invisible to current technologies. We refer to them as the dark transcriptome and proteome and they encompass uncharacterised mRNA and protein isoforms. Importantly, this hidden molecular phenotype is believed to play a critical role in animal health and behavior.Recent developments in mRNA analytical methods such as long-read sequencing (PacBio, ONT) have enabled better characterization of isoforms and are redefining the transcriptome landscape in many species. We and others have found that data generated …

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Biology and Environmental Science

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