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Found 10 matching student topics

Displaying 1–10 of 10 results

Customised flexible work

Developing and supporting flexible or customised work arrangements is a key HR strategy in many organisations and has been shown to have benefits for both business and individual employees. However, research has also demonstrated the significant problem of policy-utilisation gaps in relation to flexible work, including concerns about unequal access, low uptake amongst men and penalties that result from adjusting standard working arrangements.Student projects are available in this field of research and there is the possibility of utilising existing and …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Research centre(s)

Data-driven and process-aware workforce analytics

Modern information systems in today’s organisations record massive amount of event log data capturing the execution of day-to-day core processes within and across organisations. Mining these event log data to drive process analytics and knowledge discovery is known as process mining. To date various process mining techniques have been developed to help extract insights about the actual processes with the ultimate goal to organisations' workforce capability and capacity building.As an important sub-field of process mining, organisational mining focuses on discovering …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Information Systems
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

The human factors in self-service technology

Organisations are increasingly moving toward self-service technology (where consumers deliver services themselves using technological interfaces). While this increases organisational efficiencies, it has the potential to significantly impact customer engagement with the organisation. We're seeking a Masters or PhD student to investigate the human factors involved in self-service technology delivery: How do situational factors impact consumers' adoption of self-service technologies? What motivators and inhibitors impact self-service technology usage? Do consumers always respond appropriately within self-service environments? The successful applicant for this …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Research centre(s)

Leader transgressions in organisations

Broadly, this research theme looks into the effects of leader transgressions (e.g., misconduct, misbehaviour, deviance) on workers within organisations.More specifically, adopting a social identity approach, projects within this theme may examine the following questions:How does the organisational level of the leader influence the effects of their transgression on workers?How do workers'  identity configurations affect whether they respond to leader transgressions?How does the type and target of the leader transgression influence the way workers respond to the transgression?

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
School of Management

Exploring organisational culture and employee change attitudes in nonprofit human service organisations.

Study level
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Management

Creating inclusive organisations

Organisations are increasingly striving to develop inclusive workplaces and practices that will lead to sustainable employment and career opportunities for people with disability. Yet low employment rate and limited opportunities for career progression persist for people with disability in Australia. Research themes that seek to address this inequity include intersectionality, to consider the difference gender and other identities and diverse backgrounds make. Ableism, the assumption of non-disability as an organising norm, and how this impacts the design and implementation of …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
School of Management

Extraction and formulation of astaxanthin produced in Phaffia rhodozyma fermentations

Traditionally derived from unsustainable petrochemicals, astaxanthin (AX) can also be sustainably produced by microbial fermentation. The yeast Phaffia rhodozyma naturally produces AX as its main fermentation product through sugar assimilation.In previous studies, we improved the bioprocess to produce (upstream) AX in P. rhodozyma. This project aims to investigate the extraction, recovery, and formulation (downstream) of the AX produced in our improved AX production process.AX is a carotenoid pigment and potent antioxidant naturally occurring in some ocean animals such as salmonids …

Study level
Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Science
School of Biology and Environmental Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy

Leadership destabilisation in organisations

Research and practice often focus on how leadership is successfully developed or built. Little attention is given to the factors that may undermine leadership. Understanding these factors may help shed light on how effective leadership is sustained through challenges and setbacks.Taking a social identity approach to leadership, this research may investigate:the potential destabilisers of leadership within teams and organisationsthe lifecycle of leadership within groupsthe factors that turn followers away from their leader.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
School of Management

Risk management and financial systems integrity. Enhancing outcomes for indigenous not-for-profit organisations

This topic examines the NFP sector, in particular, indigenous organisations and the risk associated with incidents of fraud. As funding to these organisations is limited, a fraudulent event can have dire consequences on employees as well as impact future funding opportunities. Scant attention has been paid to the NFP sector in relation to fraud risk management. The study will help to address this.If you are interested in researching this topic as part of a Master of Philosophy (Accountancy), and you …

Study level
Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Accountancy

Managing Diversity for Positive Organizational Outcomes

This research aims to provide insights into how organisational gender and age diversity can be managed for positive employee and organisational outcomes. A lack of knowledge is creating issues including slow progress in being an inclusive society, diversity initiatives for short-term gains, and a lack of well-being of individuals. The expected outcomes include insights into what drives diversity practices, how diversity practices lead to positive outcomes, and organisational strategies to strengthen positive outcomes.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Management

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